What's wrong with gay cartoons? My sister loves her some spongebob and when some asshole on our bus was sitting close to us while we were talking about an episode, said that spongebob was a sissy, she told him that it's okay if boys act like that. I was thoroughly shocked, cause she was never taught about all of that, though I suppose us doing her dolls hair and dressing up and dancing and stuff probably taught her >.> . I've been her big brother and sister.
She's 9, going 10 this year.
When I was coming up, I never noticed it, but characters like Tweetie Bird and Dumbo the elephant and other girly boy characters were what I always used to watch. Also, the recent cartoon that comes on, on saturday NBC; Pearlie, has an extremely feminine male on it and he has a feminine sway to his voice as well.
(Gobsmack I believe)
My first real experience with a gay cartoon character, was with X-men, and the openly Gay character Northstar.
I think that the character's may not always be subliminally gay, but just overtly feminine, so as to show children, that it's okay for boys to cry and for girls to be tough and what not.
~Off Topic~
I don't let my sister know of all the details, but she's already figured most of it out (smart cookie

), especially when she saw those two guys kiss in Katy Perry's music video of Firework. She actually likes it when I do girly stuff with her, cause she doesn't have a sister. (I have her, plus 4 other siblings, I'm the oldest. She has a brother on her dad's side.)