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Post Your Randomness
[SIZE="5"]So, this thread has been needed for some time. This is an opportunity to express your randomness. Post what ever thoughts, ideas, inspirations, or even just the crap that gets stuck in your head.

I will start. This is the randomness I have been thinking about, and it has a specific order:

Here is calm so deep, grasses cease waving. . . . Wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us, as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and; tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.~John Muir

We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us. Our flesh-and-bone tabernacle seems transparent as glass to the beauty about us, as if truly an inseparable part of it, thrilling with the air and trees, streams and rocks, in the waves of the sun -- a part of all nature, neither old nor young, sick nor well, but immortal. . . In this newness of life we seem to have been so always.~ John Muir

“For he walks not upon the earth, not yet upon the skulls of men, which are not so very soft, but in the hearts and souls of both gods and men, which are of all things the softest: in them he walks and dwells and makes his home.”~Plato, The Symposium

Inchante Wrote:[SIZE="5"]So, this thread has been needed for some time. This is an opportunity to express your randomness. Post what ever thoughts, ideas, inspirations, or even just the crap that gets stuck in your head.

I will start. This is the randomness I have been thinking about, and it has a specific order:

Here is calm so deep, grasses cease waving. . . . Wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us, as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and; tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.~John Muir

We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us. Our flesh-and-bone tabernacle seems transparent as glass to the beauty about us, as if truly an inseparable part of it, thrilling with the air and trees, streams and rocks, in the waves of the sun -- a part of all nature, neither old nor young, sick nor well, but immortal. . . In this newness of life we seem to have been so always.~ John Muir

“For he walks not upon the earth, not yet upon the skulls of men, which are not so very soft, but in the hearts and souls of both gods and men, which are of all things the softest: in them he walks and dwells and makes his home.”~Plato, The Symposium

Inchante... Your taste in music is so awesome :3 .

I have abit of randomness I'd like to share Smile

Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody - I love this song, maybe alittle too much

Oliver Twist - Please Sir, I want some more

August Rush- August's Rhapsody (Music lovers must see this movie, if you haven't :p)

Sittin on the Toilet - This got so many views, it's ridiculous Rofl .


It is impossible, no matter how brief or simple, to fit the life of any man between the covers of a book. It is beyond all comprehension why some people insist that you can find God within that same space.

Mitt N' Match Game


Random photos :p . I laughed so much at them. True to their name; Random Rolleyes .

[Image: know_im_gay_drk_bumper_sticker-p12816341...sk_400.jpg]
[Image: oh-hi1.jpg]
[Image: guidos-bros-douchebags-fratboys-she-does...m-gay1.jpg]
[Image: 11jun25-a-dirty-mind.jpg]
[Image: random-funny-pictures-113.jpg]
[Image: random_funny-8.jpg]
[Image: hot_weird_funny_amazing_cool4_daily-morn...412150.jpg]
[Image: Random-Funny-Pictures-Part-85_42-550x440.jpg]
[Image: hot_weird_funny_amazing_cool_random-funn...244500.jpg]
[Image: Random-Funny-Pictures-Part-110_26.jpg]

i just ate a samich :biggrin:


Mr Dart. We no have have windex
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.

Beautiful love quotes Smile

(All this bi-lingual stuff today has inspired this :p - I google translated this, too much for me to try and decipher Rofl . I can read it, but takes forever to write it! Rolleyes)


O amor é a coisa mais esplêndida. O amor nos eleva acima de onde nós pertencemos. Tudo que você precisa é amor!
~ Do filme Moulin Rouge ~

Outros homens disseram que viram anjos,
Mas eu vi-te
E tu és o suficiente.
~ Por G. Moore ~

Gostaria de voar para a lua e volta se você vai ser. . . se você vai ser o meu bebê.
~ De uma canção de Savage Garden ~

Eu te amo - essas três palavras têm a minha vida neles.
~ Por Alexandrea a Nicolau III ~

O que está por trás de nós, e aquilo que está diante de nós são matérias minúsculas comparadas ao que está dentro de nós.
~ Por Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

Eu fui surpreendido que os homens poderiam morrer mártires para a sua religião -
Eu shudder'd nisso.
Tremo, não mais.
Eu poderia ser martyr'd para a minha religião
O amor é minha religião
E eu poderia morrer por isso.
Eu poderia morrer por você.
~ ~ Por John Keats

Eu gostaria de fugir
De você,
Mas se você não veio
E me encontrar ...
Eu iria morrer.
~ ~ Por Shirley Bassey

Quando você ama alguém, todos os seus salva-up desejos começam a sair.
~ Por Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973) ~

A maior coisa que você vai aprender
É amar e ser amado em troca.
~ From "Unforgettable with Love", de Natalie Cole

Alma encontra alma nos lábios do amante.
~ Por Percy Bysshe Shelly ~

Encontrei homens que não sabiam como beijar.
Eu sempre achei tempo para ensiná-los.
~ Por Mae West ~


Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!
~ from the movie Moulin Rouge ~

Other men said they have seen angels,
But I have seen thee
And thou art enough.
~ by G. Moore ~

I would fly you to the moon and back if you'll be . . . if you'll be my baby.
~ From a song by Savage Garden ~

I love you - those three words have my life in them.
~ by Alexandrea to Nicholas III ~

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
~ by Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion -
I have shudder'd at it.
I shudder no more.
I could be martyr'd for my religion
Love is my religion
And I could die for that.
I could die for you.
~ by John Keats ~

I'd like to run away
From you,
But if you didn't come
And find me ...
I would die.
~ by Shirley Bassey ~

When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out.
~ by Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973) ~

The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is to love and be loved in return.
~ From "Unforgettable with Love" by Natalie Cole

Soul meets soul on lover's lips.
~ by Percy Bysshe Shelly ~

I have found men who didn't know how to kiss.
I've always found time to teach them.
~ by Mae West ~

I like the Mae West quote best.

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