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Pre-Cognition & The Mind
Another interesting topic I've come across that has me going "hmm" lol .

I'm not trying to insult anyone with this one, so if you're religous and it offends you, or just makes you upset any way, that's not my intention. Some people find this topic insulting, so I thought I'd get that out of the way :p .

So the topic is Precognition . What's that you ask? Well, here's a simple definetion;

In parapsychology, precognition (from the Latin præ-, “before,” + cognitio, “acquiring knowledge”), also called future sight, and second sight, is a type of extrasensory perception that would involve the acquisition or effect of future information that cannot be deduced from presently available and normally acquired sense-based information or laws of physics and/or nature. A premonition (from the Latin praemonēre) and a presentiment are information about future events that is perceived as emotion.

The existence of precognition, as with other forms of extrasensory perception, is not accepted as other than a purely psychological process by the mainstream scientific community because no replicable demonstration, "on demand", has ever been achieved.

Scientific investigation of extrasensory perception (ESP) is complicated by the definition which implies that the phenomena go against established principles of science. Specifically, precognition would violate the principle that an effect cannot occur before its cause. However, there are established biases, affecting human memory and judgment of probability, that create convincing but false impressions of precognition.

There are various reports of people being able to witness or experience events, before they actually happen.

Although many of you won't believe it, this trait or ability seems to occur in my grandmothers bloodline, as her mother was Native Indian, a race already known for their connection with the spiritual and the mind.

Here are a few of my anecdotes, take them seriously or not, but I'm telling the truth Smile .

My grandmother, and her sisters(she has 4) experienced a dream at the same time, in which someone appeared to them and each of them suffered a pain of somesort upon awakening. They say it wasn't clear what the message was supposed to be, but it was important, because in their dreams, none of them could move or talk. My grandmother is also the youngest and a twin as well.

Her father saw a patient of his (he was a nurse) on the hill outside their home, before entering his house, to find out the patient had just died of yellow fever.

Upon my grandmother's father's death, a large white ball circled my mothers stomach and a month later, they discovered she was pregnant(this was after my mother and father got together. She's not the virgin mary Rolleyes ) with me. The family believes I am his reincarnation and always comments that I share qualities with him.

My uncle was watching television when he realized that the same ball that circled my mothers stomach, was hovering in the corner by the television. He ran out screaming, which he never does, as he is "the man" .

My Grandmother's late dog socatease, wouldn't go into the house they lived in (which was my grandmother's father's house) and would yelp and whine whenever he was left alone. It;s believed it's because my Grandmother's father didn't like dogs in the house.

My mother doesn't sleep often, but when she does, she always sees someone who is not close to her, but someone around her. She predicted that my Grandmother's husband's(who is Irish) close friend was going to die, and later on, we found out he had passed away.

I personally had a dream of talking to a therapist about my issues, one of them liking boys and when I told the therapist, it was a girl I knew in disguise and the next day, the same girl told everyone I knew that I liked boys. This was in middle school.

In 2005(I was 13-14), I dreamt that my family was going to die by drowning, and saw my grandmother's dead body floating up to the upstairs portion of our house and woke up screaming. At this time, Hurricane Fabian was coming to hit us, so I begged her for us to leave, because we lived directly across from the ocean, and eventually she relented after she realised I wasn't joking. When we came back to our house, a tree fell onto our house and the water nearly reached the house, hitting other houses instead.

Today I dreamt that I was going to get harmed by something, I didn't know ,but my old best friend(the one I was with since I was 4) warned me and told me to wake up and I jumped up. Nothings happened yet, but I'm waiting for it. I don't have contact with him any more, but It's like we never split up and I knew exactly what he looks like.

Not every dream we have is a bad one and we don't always have these dreams, so it's not like we're "seers" or anything, but it's just we're extra perceptive. Weirdly enough, it started for my mother and I at puberty, but the males in our family don't seem to have it, or choose not to accept it. My youngest sister is showing signs of having the same dreams, although she always says hers revolves around the grim reaper.

But besides us, there are many other accounts.

Many of the "psychic experiences" that are volunteered to parapsychologists by the general population involve apparent precognition. In one review of a U.S. case collection, submitted to Duke University's Parapsychology Laboratory, 75% of 1777 dream-based experiences were of an ostensibly precognitive type, as were 60% of 1513 wakeful experiences.

A similar pattern was identified for a separate collection of 157 cases experienced by children; here, the largest category of experiences was again of precognitive dreams (52%), followed by precognitive intuitions (52%). A German case collection produced a similar figure: 52% of 1,000 cases were of the apparently precognitive type. A British study of 300 volunteered cases showed 34% to be apparently precognitive.


Some people attribute pre-cognition to the amygdala gland in the human brain, which seems to be significantly larger in women and gay men, allowing for better intuitive purposes and therefore, pre-cognition.

A very good example would be the Psychic Twins who literally, predicted the World Trade Center being destroyed in 1999.

While being interviewed on the Art Bell radio show (Coast to Coast A.M.) on November 2, 1999, The Psychic Twins predicted that there would be a terrorist attack on the federal government and the World Trade Center in 2002. The actual quote is, "We are seeing terrorist attacks on federal government – excuse me, federal buildings. Particularly South Carolina or Georgia, by July 2002. And also the New York Trade Center – the World Trade Center in 2002, with something, with a terrorist attack." However, the predicted date was incorrect as the terrorist attacks actually occurred on September 11, 2001. According to an article in Woman's Own magazine, and a documentary on A&E, they also correctly predicted that John F. Kennedy Jr. would die by plane. It was also predicted from the Psychic Twins that Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony would not stay together as a couple on La Fusion TV in 2009.

Al-Qaeda terror threat predictions in Europe January 2010, The Psychic Twins predicted "Al-Qaeda terror threats in France, Germany and London, England in fall of 2010." This prediction was made in the After Dark magazine, the official magazine for Coast to Coast AM. The article is entitled The Psychic Twins' Predictions for 2010. In the news on September 29, 2010 it was announced "Al-Qaeda plot to attack European cities uncovered". Yahoo News, September 29, 2010 It went on to say "Intelligence agencies have uncovered an Al-Qaeda plot to launch attacks in Britain, France and Germany by Pakistan-based extremists."

They show prowess in the art of pre-cognition and even though some may consider it a joke, they've been accurate too many times.

Most people don't like the topic because they are either non-believers, jealous, think it defies god or are just scared that their futures can be determined(which is not very likely in detail).

Remember, I'm not running around yelling I'm a psychic to everyone, because I'm not. I'm simply very perceptive and come from a family who seems to be aswell. I didn't even know what it was until I googled it and found it on the internet a few years back. I usually never have "awe inspiring" dreams like predicting the end of the world or when someone is going to die, but it's usually about me or things that might affect me.

I felt like a freak for a long time, but have eventually just integrated it into my life as a tool I guess you can say. Many people in the world have this trait, so it's not abnormal, but depending on the sensitivity and perception of the person, the magnitude changes.

I'm nothing like those two twins, my mother is actually much better than I am, but she doesn't like it, because she only ever sees bad things. Same with my sister, though less so.

I'm sure about 5/10 of you also experience this as well, but only 1/50 of you will experience it on a regular and have the pre-cognitions actually be true.

So no bashing, but it's a very interesting topic. I know peoples gonna hate, but we are human after all, so "strange" is something we don't normally want to associate with.
Ps. You should google about twins especially who are psychic or have some sort of psychic ability/trait. They were popular in Adolf Hitlers regime and he actively experimented on them. For some reason, twins are thought to have extreme prowess in having psychic abilites, due to the fact that they spend so much time with each other and were at one point, thought to be one and the same and therefore shared a mind.

Here is an interesting article on the "brain in the heart". In some ways, the heart will react to external stimulus before the brain has a chance to process that information. I know it isn't exactly "pre-cognition", but it is interesting.


I've had psychic experiences before, and may POSSIBLY have a talent (but if so then distance is definitely a factor--that is I have to be close to someone to read them, though going by one experience I don't actually need to see a person to sense danger). But I've only had one precognitive experience and it was very odd.

As best I recall I dreamt I was at the library on Christmas (which wouldn't happen as it would be closed) and left at night and as I passed the Catholic Church with its lights on (as they were having services) I saw a cat I never saw before who came up to beg and I ended up feeding him. The dream felt weird and haunted me and then one day (I think months later) walking home from the store on EASTER (instead of Christmas) I PASSED the library (instead of leaving it) and then as I passed the lit up Catholic Church the very cat I dreamed about approached me and I went home (a couple of blocks away), came back, and fed him.

It was a very odd and puzzling experience. Too bad I don't get precognitive warnings and advisement about much more useful things. Actually, that's the only precognitive experience I've had that I recall, though once while learning to read the Tarot I tried a reading for the USA which predicted bad times and ended with an exploding Tower and a few months later 9/11 happened, and the guy trying to teach me Tarot believed my reading predicted that. He wanted me to get back to learning Tarot but I'd moved away from him by then and wasn't interested in it anymore.

I have heard much more amazing personal experiences with precognition, and despite my leaning toward skepticism I find myself believing at least some of them.

When I was younger (and a pothead), me and a friend tried to seriously test ESP. Some of our finding were really interesting. What we did was take 10 shapes, and have one or the other visualise the shape, then have the other guess which one. Those times where we didnt get side tracked, we were able to get scores of about 85% correct.

Also, believe it or not, the very first earthquake I experienced, I actually predicted the day before, while at a friends house. I wrote it down on a piece of scrap paper, for no real reason. The next morning, I was awakened by the earthquake.

I'm still thinking these could've been coincidences, but am open to the possibility of pre-cognition

I view this the same way I view any paranormal science. Never say never.

I can honestly say I have experienced a few things that lead me to think this is entirely possible. Minor events happen to me all the time, which could just be coincidental but it could be more. Sometimes I'll think about a movie or song and moments later it'll be playing on TV or come on the radio.

Sometimes at night before bed when you're sort of in between sleep and awake, I sometimes see things. They usually look like an old black and white movie or like someone flipping through a comic book ,omething that usually tell me something about the next days events. For example once I saw hands doing sign language and the next day when out for lunch was approiached by a deaf man(Which was a first for me)

So like I said, it could be nothing, or it could be something, so I never say never :p

Funny thing, I just had a Deja-vu moment, I am playing a sandbox, type game called From Dust and am molding an island out of the sea. What I am doing right this minute is make a mountain using magma, and I had a distinct thought relating to someone's post on Facebook about Inner Demons. I remember seeing and thinking these exact things maybe a week or so ago.

Inchante Wrote:Here is an interesting article on the "brain in the heart". In some ways, the heart will react to external stimulus before the brain has a chance to process that information. I know it isn't exactly "pre-cognition", but it is interesting.


Interesting Smile . I've heard about this somewhat.

They say that the brain takes information from your environment and sometimes you can "glimpse" the possible outcomes of different scenarios that could happen.

BYoNexus Wrote:When I was younger (and a pothead), me and a friend tried to seriously test ESP. Some of our finding were really interesting. What we did was take 10 shapes, and have one or the other visualise the shape, then have the other guess which one. Those times where we didnt get side tracked, we were able to get scores of about 85% correct.

Also, believe it or not, the very first earthquake I experienced, I actually predicted the day before, while at a friends house. I wrote it down on a piece of scrap paper, for no real reason. The next morning, I was awakened by the earthquake.

I'm still thinking these could've been coincidences, but am open to the possibility of pre-cognition

:o . That's very interesting.
When my grandmother and her sisters were young, they played with Tarot cards and they were very good appearantly. They pretty much stopped when they got older. We also had one of those Wegi(?) Boards. It never worked though.

That's pretty cool about the earthquake. We don't get them, but last year in school, I was feeling sick, like boat sickness( I get sick on boats) and felt like I was moving and then all of a sudden we had a minor tremor that shook us for like 10secs. Nothing major, but it was weird to me that I felt that way. Could've been a coincedence, but I thought it was weird.

Pix Wrote:I've had psychic experiences before, and may POSSIBLY have a talent (but if so then distance is definitely a factor--that is I have to be close to someone to read them, though going by one experience I don't actually need to see a person to sense danger). But I've only had one precognitive experience and it was very odd.

As best I recall I dreamt I was at the library on Christmas (which wouldn't happen as it would be closed) and left at night and as I passed the Catholic Church with its lights on (as they were having services) I saw a cat I never saw before who came up to beg and I ended up feeding him. The dream felt weird and haunted me and then one day (I think months later) walking home from the store on EASTER (instead of Christmas) I PASSED the library (instead of leaving it) and then as I passed the lit up Catholic Church the very cat I dreamed about approached me and I went home (a couple of blocks away), came back, and fed him.

It was a very odd and puzzling experience. Too bad I don't get precognitive warnings and advisement about much more useful things. Actually, that's the only precognitive experience I've had that I recall, though once while learning to read the Tarot I tried a reading for the USA which predicted bad times and ended with an exploding Tower and a few months later 9/11 happened, and the guy trying to teach me Tarot believed my reading predicted that. He wanted me to get back to learning Tarot but I'd moved away from him by then and wasn't interested in it anymore.

I have heard much more amazing personal experiences with precognition, and despite my leaning toward skepticism I find myself believing at least some of them.

Very Interesting Pix Smile . I was actually taught Tarot from my grandmother, and was really good at it. I tried it on friends in middle school, but some people thought I was a freak and some were scared cause like 70% of the time I was right.

Pre-cognitive warnings aren't "psychic" per se to me, but more or less your brain letting you know somethings going to affect you or those around you. That's how it is in my case. I can't just sit and "predict" something on the spot, it has to be when I'm not expecting it or when somethings going to affect me and it's never usually clear what.

It's not really that great to have, cause I'd rather not know, but it's useful for others.

I dreamt my grandmother was going to be laid in a bed and had all sorts of machines around her. I told her and she told me she has Thyroid or Graves Disease, which has now been treated.


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