reminder to set the clocks for most parts of the US i think the UK does it too
some places have the wisdom not to bother with this?
a while back the federal government was challenged to get rid of the time change but instead only moved the date to an earlier time
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Darn, another hour down the drain, takes to long to get it back, thanks for the heads up so more people won't forget, James
In Australia most states will be doing the opposite, winding the clocks back from day light savings. The exception is Queensland that doesn't have Day Light Saving, and quiet frankly after living in Sydney with day light saving most of my life, I prefer life without day light saving.
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Ah, so you get the hour I loose dfiant, use it well, Jim
LOL James. I guess now we know where that hour disappears every year :biggrin:
uk changes clocks end of march so not just yet lol i wish they would leave time alone for gods sake i am either massively early or massively late for work at times
What other people in Australia think abou that? Don't they point out that it is a discrimination? And that if it works for your area, they want their hours also unchanged?
how can oz hav it and not when its 1 country??? i mean does that mean somkewhere 1 neighbour gets up earlier than other?