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365 Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Yourself - Part 10 (111 - 121)
365 Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Yourself - Part 10 (111 - 121)

Taken from http://www.marcandangel.com/

Question 111 - 121

111. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
112. What is your greatest challenge?
113. How do you know when it’s time to continue holding on or time to let go?
114. How do you define success?
115. If someone could tell you the exact day and time you are going to die, would you want them to tell you?
116. If I could grant you one wish what would you wish for?
117. What have you read online recently that inspired you?
118. Why do religions that advocate unity divide the human race?
119. If you could live one day of your life over again, what day would you choose?
120. What can money not buy?
121. What instantly makes a person less attractive?


Previous Questions:

Part 1 (01 - 30)


Part 2 (31 - 40)


Part 3 (41 - 50)


Part 4 (51-60)


Part 5 (61-70)


Part 6 (71-80)


Part 7 (81-90)


Part 8 (91-100)


Part 9 (101-119)


111. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

No. I'm not looking for a pat, reward or alike.

112. What is your greatest challenge?

To lose weight. Pre and post weight loss really tested me - Physically and emotionally.

I received a culture shock after I lost weight and returned to public. It was strange to see a lot of people particularly guys approaching me. I was confused and honestly scared. I was humiliated and bullied when I was obese and now being praised and adored because I look normal. I also had to learn to communicate, socialize and make friends again after living in seclusion for years.

It took me years to adjust and unfortunately, I'm still adjusting. But things are better now.

113. What's something many people mistakenly assume about you?

Some of my friends thought the reason why I like to snap photos of myself is because I think that I look nice. Because I'm into myself.


I used to look at myself in a mirror etc. very often because I was lacking with confidence. I was having trouble adjusting and accepting my new physical look.

I had to look at a mirror to convince myself that this person is me. "You have to accept that this is you now." I kept telling myself.

Then another problem popped out. "Am I good enough? Do I look good enough? Can I be more perfect than who I am now"

I am okay now. Most of the time.

I have explained this whole thing to my friends. But most of them still do not get it though.

114. How do you define success?

Success is achieving the goals that you have set for yourself. You can relax on a lazy chair whilst listening to your favorite music and smile broadly. "I've made it."

115. If someone could tell you the exact day and time you are going to die, would you want them to tell you?

I think no. There's this saying that goes, "Live every single day of your life like it is your very last day." I hold to that.

116. If I could grant you one wish what would you wish for?

Grant me another 10 wishes.

117. What have you read online recently that inspired you?

I think that would be Oscar Pistorius. Also known as "The Blade Runner" and "the Fastest Man on No Legs"

When he was 11 months old, his legs were amputated halfway between his knees and ankles. He is now the world record holder in the 100, 200 and 400 metres (sport class T44).

118. Why do religions that advocate unity divide the human race?

'I am right and you are wrong' applies in every religion. In result, every religion clashes with each other.

119. If you could live one day of your life over again, what day would you choose?

The most regrettable day in my life. The day I passed a love letter to Sam and asked him to pass it to Chris. Chris read the letter out loud to everyone in his office. They made fun of me.

That moment destroyed my life. I also lost Sam as a friend.

Sure, I have forgiven them. But it still haunts me till this very day. It destroyed partial of my confidence and social skill that I slowly built after I lost weight. Thankfully I'm slowly recovering. Nonetheless it will still continue to haunt me.

If I could return back to that moment, I would not give that letter to Sam.

120. What memory will you cherish for the rest of your life?

There are many. But one that I would like to mention is ...

The long process of weight loss. The sweat. The effort. The tears. The pain. Night and day for years.

121. What instantly makes a person less attractive?

Ego maniac.

111. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

No, I can honestly say that's not on my mind.

112. What is your greatest challenge?

To maintain the weight loss, and maintain my focus so I can reach my goal.

113. What's something many people mistakenly assume about you?

For some reason, new people think that I'm in a relationship....I'm single.

114. How do you define success?

Making decsions, sticking with them, and being happy with the result.

115. If someone could tell you the exact day and time you are going to die, would you want them to tell you?

No. Some things are better left to chance......

116. If I could grant you one wish what would you wish for?

Grant me another 10 wishes.

117. What have you read online recently that inspired you?

I can't think of anything recently.

118. Why do religions that advocate unity divide the human race?

Because it's the nature of humans to not believe everything you hear, so some will choose to believe while others won't.

119. If you could live one day of your life over again, what day would you choose?

I would go back to the day before my friend Rich was killed and warn him.

120. What memory will you cherish for the rest of your life?

A heart-to-heart talk with my ex. He & I were mutual friends to Rich, the friend who was killed. Not long after his death, my ex and I spent some time together, remembering Rich, and talked about how important it was to let others know you love them, so my ex and I held each other for while, and told each other we loved each other.

121. What instantly makes a person less attractive?

Nasty attitude and meanness.
[Image: 51806835273_f5b3daba19_t.jpg]  <<< It's mine!

111. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

I am often thinking "Why?", as in, why would you ever do that?*. I am not lying, of course I've thought that from time to time, but in general I am trying not to.

112. What is your greatest challenge?

To find a goal :redface:

113. What's something many people mistakenly assume about you?

To assume I am slow or retarded due to the fact I tend to say "Pardon" a lot cause I got pretty blurry hearing Sad

114. How do you define success?

When you've reached your found goal and finished it without loosing something at its expense.

115. If someone could tell you the exact day and time you are going to die, would you want them to tell you?

Eh... I believe its better to live everyday like its your last, for when the day of judgment comes you have nothing to regret.

116. If I could grant you one wish what would you wish for?

Grant me another 10 wishes? ACCESS DENIED! I would wish that humanity was dumb enough to have nothing to fight for or nothing to be sad over or be worried about. (Aka peace on earth and peace in the mind)

117. What have you read online recently that inspired you?

So much I've read on the Internet, but nothing really particular right now that I can recall. Most just feel like empty words, not sincere... I've generally got hard to be inspired unfortunate.

118. Why do religions that advocate unity divide the human race?

Religions, cults, everything is a faith... Every clever mind thinks they're rightful, but when those clever minds meets they will, even in science, even in politics,will fight till death (Literally and not literally) to convince the other to believe he is rightful to gain pride and respect, if not power even.

119. If you could live one day of your life over again, what day would you choose?

So many moments, I can not choose... Gotta be that day I applied to the France exchange trip, so I would convince my self not to go there.

120. What memory will you cherish for the rest of your life?

My England trip.

121. What instantly makes a person less attractive?

Self righteousness and Arrogance.
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.

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