*goes to kitchen and looks at calendar*
Yes....it looks like we live in the year 2012...but I can't shake the feeling that a rift in the space-time continuum transported a portion of the world back to an alternate universe in the 1950's, where McCarthy is Grand Emperor and Llamas keep humans as pets.
Seriously though....one would think in this day and age crap like this would be less tolerated.
We have to watch more for our rights... that seems more and more important...
There are so many cuts in our rights in time... so many countrys have dramatic gay rights ... and sometimes I ´m really frustrated... If I see how many gay themed articles I have - by example - on my facebook profile or twitter.. and nobody has a comment, a like ...or share it. People have to see that we are awaked... that our guard s work.... and what happens ... nothing ...
Sometimes we have more straight supporters ( male and female ) as gay supporters....
hello .. someone at home ? We talk about gay marriage ( what I support ) in a time when a 14 y.o. boys kill himself by suicide ... or 16 y.o. gay boy gets killed by hanging on a crane because a state has such rights against the LGBT community....
... I´m so frustrated...
Unbelievable , what a load of Bovine scat.
Guys, homophobia is getting worse in the USA. I have never felt as threatened as I do today. I live in New Jersey which probably has the highest percent of gays and lesbians in the US. Homophobia from the black community has been getting worse every day since Obama has been elected. The news media has imposed a total news black out. No one is allowed to say that blacks behave like bigots towards gays. Obama sits there and says nothing. Hey, guys, why can't Jersey have a gay bar or club. Why must we always go into NYC. Blacks bomb every attempt for gays to mingle. If you think white guys have trouble, ask a black gay guy what he is up against. A black gay friend went back to see his sick sister, nine of his high school buddies met him with baseball bats. No matter how many people are getting hurt in Jersey, the four mother fucking lying TV stations in NYC never report news from NJ. We are supposed to watch assholes on SNL make fun of Jersey. I hope some day, SNL guys walk past my building. Bring Rush Limbaugh and all the other fucking homophobes with you. I love how silent the media is on attacks on gays. We had better find a gay leader with some balls pretty soon. Like they say, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST.
I am a angry gay voter. Obama got 97% of our vote in 2008. I am fairly convinced that a rifle will come in handy in the future for gay guys.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
being gay is exhausting :frown: