04-15-2012, 06:22 AM
Gaydude3 Wrote:It doesn't settle how to eliminate letting societal thoughts bother you but at least there is a cause.
Train yourself not to see yourself as a reflection through someone else's eyes.
I promise it will work eventually but you have to do it across the board to have it be effective though it is just a suggestion...I am sure that there are many paths to the same destination.
The first step...start with what you DO have control over which is yourself and how to send and process information....start by forcing yourself not to judge anyone else...no "cute" or "ugly" judgements...none at all. Don't objectify anyone...basically when you objectify someone they cease to be an individual and likewise when someone judges you for being gay they are objectifying you...dehumanizing you....not seeing the individual that you are. If you find yourself making judgements about someone based on their race, color, appearance, weight, age, sex...stop yourself.
Alot of times what we hate or makes us uncomfortable outside of ourselves is a reflection of something inside of ourselves we dislike or maybe are not in touch with. (think homophobes...they are a stellar example of this but we all have a bit of it to some degree) You will find your problem diminished by half if you practice this.
I practiced this for 20 years working in gay nightclubs and if there is any harder place to accomplish this I would like to know what it is