Thou shalt not expect me to eat breakfast.
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Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
thou shall not deprieve me of my lunch break
Thou shalt not leave thy milk glass on the coffee table with a thick layer of milk on the bottom to crust up and be nigh unto impossible for me to wash since you can't get off your fat lazy a$$ and wash a dish even though you ain't got a job and can only manage to exercise your damn remote control for the %$#^ TV all day long. /rant
Thou shalt not drink coffee when reading my posts... I tend to say off the wall stuff that may make you laugh.
I am with Lalo. Thou shall spare them for someone else.
Thou shalt not use a clean cup when you could rinse out the one you've just used! :mad:
Here here. Every glass and cup gets "dirtied" in this house by one person. I use the same glass/cup all day long. Of course its easy to dirty dishes when you don't know how to wash the damned things.
Thou shall not forget that 'i' is before 'e' except after 'c'.