Thou shalt not feed my dog anything without my permission.
thou shalt not make assumptions based on stupid stereotypes ~
^ Amen to that.
Thou shalt not keep asking "Did you see that?" when I am sitting next to you watching the same movie.
Thou shalt not chew a Fruit Pastille.
Try it - it's impossible not to!
Thou shalt not turn on the tap in my front yard and leave it running. Grrrrrrrrrr.....I will have to lock it again.
I know I always buy the blackberry ones.
Thou shalt not waste food.
Posts: 8,129
Threads: 11
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thou shalt not disrupt my Christmas travel plans by striking! Bad Scotrail!!!
Thou shalt not put frozen carrots out and claim they are fresh.
Though shalt not suggest impossible things..