Thou shall not thing you have me worked out ,when you know zilch about me.( Idiot)
Thou shalt not be mean....specifically rude and too sarcastic. I can take some sarcasm, but once it goes too far, then it's annoying.
Thou shall not call me and tell me you aren't coming over after I roasted a whole chicken to feed you.
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Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
thou shall not be afriad to be cranky once in a while
Though shalt not complain when the chickens come home to roost....
Thou shall not tell me you'll call me later that day then not call until I call you a week later.
Though shalt not expect men to call you, ever - they just don't get the whole 'call me' thing.... its way out of their hard-wiring for their brain.
Thou shall not commune via electronic voice transmission, ever. Muhuhahahahahaha
Thou shall not hide in the shadows.
Though shalt not feed a Mogwai after midnight (trust me, just don't do it).