05-15-2012, 04:16 PM
Just had to get that out!
My partner and I returned from Amsterdam, Holland a couple of weeks ago with about 40 pounds of cheese. I've gained a few pounds, but this stuff is incredible! I realized that I really love cheese. Aged Gouda is where it's at. A little with every meal (and a bunch in between).
I guess I'll have to get back on the bike when my spine heals and work these extra pounds off, but until then...cheese, cheese and more cheese!
My partner and I returned from Amsterdam, Holland a couple of weeks ago with about 40 pounds of cheese. I've gained a few pounds, but this stuff is incredible! I realized that I really love cheese. Aged Gouda is where it's at. A little with every meal (and a bunch in between).
I guess I'll have to get back on the bike when my spine heals and work these extra pounds off, but until then...cheese, cheese and more cheese!