shutterfly Wrote:Hi!
Thanks for your answers so far
Yes QueenOdi, I was referring to traditional gender patterns. If you take Will&Grace for example, the foucs is always on the "relationship" between Will and Grace - a man and a woman. In some scenes you could actually mistake them for a heterosexual couple. In this way however, gay characters were made accessible to a mainstream audience. Ellen, in contrast focused on gay storylines only and unfortunately failed in the end...
I just intended to get opinions concerning the depiction of GLB characters on the small screen.
So keep 'em coming 
Which kind of helps my point. Will was gay, but was hard to tell unless you saw him with a man or doing something outwardly gay. Which is true for some gays today.
As for depictions, I think freedom of expression is everyone's right. If someone calls me a big flaming fag, then yes! Yes I am, because that's what you see me as, then so be it.
People stress over appearances and how people perceive them, even myself sometimes[when I make myself pretty

], but you have you look at it this way;
A straight man sees a gay man swinging his hips, ergo all gay men swing their hips, because to him he doesn't internally know, nor is he knowledgable of the gay lifestyle or gay life in general.
You can't [or maybe you can] try to change someone's mind once they already have an opinion of you, so the only thing you can do, is be the best you, you can be and it might even possibly prove them wrong about their views and might make them like you.
I'm probably the strangest gay person you'll ever come across, on the internet and in real life, I don't want to stress about things that don't require it. I try to see past the fight and focus on the good things and not let things under my skin.
I applaud you guys for fighting for our cause and what not, but it's not something I'm overly concerned about.
I just thought I'd put my weird thoughts out there. :biggrin: .