Oddly enough, it was different for me.
Although sex is considered taboo, it's not so much here. We're not having sex in the streets or anything, but you certainly can learn quite alot from just walking down the street and maybe happen upon a sex store.
My cousin has owned her own sex stores for quite awhile, off and on though. I learned about sex from there, accidentally, especially after I had to ask what I just put in my mouth, which happen to be a big black dildo (go figure

) and later on a vibrator.
I was 11.
My mom is a very real person, which is where I get it from, and she taught me how
everything works and what goes where and all that. She always told me, it doesn't matter who I like/love, that she'll love me anyway and once I got to be old enough, she got more into the gay stuff.
I was 13/14.
It wasn't so detailed as to say a penis goes into another guy's butt, but you need lube and whatever, but more or less a somewhat censored version, until I was 14.
I had just got into highschool at 14 when we had sex-ed. Other kids were a year ahead of me, so I felt behind abit.
Boys and girls were seperated and our teacher showed us all about the penis and STI's and even the prostate and all that.
Well, since young, I've been into everything and pretty much a nerd, so I looked stuff up, but not like how a teenage boy should have. It was more exploritory and to learn and that's when I connected the dots from what my mom told me and what I was learning in class.
We saw more graphic stuff in my third year, like vaginal infections and penile infections and how pregnancy works and all that (not actual sex, but diagrams).
I didn't learn explicitly about anal sex, but I already knew about it, not only from my mother's constant lectures upon confirmation of my sexuality (at birth I believe, but 15/16), but because my friend, who is also gay, had gone on his mom's computer while she was at work and showed me porn for the first time and wanted to try things with me, to which I refused.
We're still friends, but it's kinda awkward.
I probably learned in an unconventional way, but in the end, I agree that gay sex should be taught, because not everyone is like me and will not have the same experience I luckily had and might do something they regret.
I believe sexuality is being forced on kids anyway from all these big name stars, like Nicki Minaj(As much as I love her) and Lil Wayne, showing girls it's okay to be hoochies and objectify their body parts and for boys to become little thugs and treat girls like objects. Not to mention the blatant disapproval of being gay, clear in the messages of their songs, but embracing lesbian girls, as long as they get with a guy too. (Well, in the black world this is the case anyway)
They might as well teach it, since it's being taught anyway and atleast they can teach it the right way and actually educate the kids, rather than let them inaccurately educate themselves and wind up getting pregnant/raped/or whatever else.
I both love and disdain society as a whole, but to me, everything seems like it's flaws even have flaws. The biggest being society itself.
Just my $1 & 58c
