I had a couple of joints about thirty years ago, didn't like the way it made me feel and haven't touched it since. I never had any intention of trying anything stronger - tobacco is my demon.
I still say it should be legal for anyone who wants it - alcohol is much more dangerous when taken to excess.
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Thank you Pix for that video I totally agree with it

Its all the same here in Sweden as well, if not harder here in Sweden for a young teen or young adult to get alcohol cause to our regulation with our "Systembolaget" that has monopoly on selling alcohol for personal consumption (Restaurants, pubs and bars also sell alcohol, but they're buying them firstly from the system also and are not allowed to sell or letting costumers to consume they're alcohol outside the restaurant, pub or bar).
That will say many turns to drugs as cannabis as its actually easier to get, as none asks any questions everybody is just happy that its been handled discreetly. I know many my self that started smoking pot in they're early teens and still does.
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
drinking and smoking is legal from 20 in japan.
But if you get caught with anything else it is such big deal.
most people dont even know the difference between weed and hard drugs.
but we are a nation of alcoholics.
It seems the younger generation is less into drinking too, let alone drugs.
I guess the bad economy bring you down so much that people loose interest in spending money on stuff like that...
As for me, I have had my fair share of experimenting, and I dont mind legalizing any drug, but i probably wont go back to weed.
its not my cup of tea...
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Never smoked it in me life lol
I used to smoke it (used to do lots of stuff, drink alcohol, extasy, acid, coke....) don't do any of those things anymore. Being messed up on anything doesn't appeal to me in the slightest now. Should it be legalized? Personally I think it's less of a problem than alcohol, so if alcohol is legal then sure why not.
I used to do drugs... And drink in excess (a legal drug).
The War on Drugs is over. We lost.
Legalize, regulate, manufacture/grow/produce under guidelines like those we apply to tobacco and alcohol and tax the crap out of it like they do with tobacco products. Use some of that tax money to finance rehabs and other programs to be used in providing help to the addicts once they have had enough.
And not just pot - I'm talking all drugs, from LSD to Heroin. From Pot to Meth - and might as well allow OTC sales of Darvon, Percocet and other 'narcotics' that are 'controlled' substances.