06-10-2012, 10:33 PM
I think both feminine and nonfeminine gays are just a necessity but I'm the kind of person that likes relationships where there is an obvious dominate/submissive and/or masculine/feminine. I don't use dominate to equal masuline and feminine to equal submissive just btw. So I don't necessarily see one having more advantages than the other but I also only live in my own world. People think I'm kinda weird for how I think on this though. I personally tend to take the more feminine and submissive role in relationships. I actually like showing off my cooking to my boyfriend and look foreward to the days when I can cook him dinner and clean up after him. But I don't look all that feminine but I think I might actually talk a bit feminine at times. I don't know, I'm unaware of what's popular in preferences or what the normal is. I kinda do my own thing. People have thought I should've stayed female because I embrace my feminine qualities. But as we all should know being feminine doesn't have to mean being female and I like it when people don't really concern themselves with gender stereotypes...which I guess is surprising I think that considering the first thing I said. But I'm weird so whatever.