RowanRavensong Wrote:Thanks guys, but I dont want to screw this up >_< thats what I was asking, is so I dont do just that
Aww, sounds like you like him

Well, I'm not like most people, but if someone were to ask me out, but we didn't get along that way or I didn't want to get along with him that way, then I'd still be friends with the person.
I mean, just because whoever you're asking out says; "no", doesn't mean; "No you ugly piece of shit. Go fuck yourself and your disfigured dog". It simply means what it means, no.
However you take it, is on you, and you have to be mentally prepared for rejection, even outside of dating. Get emotionally invested, but don't pour everything you have into it, because you'd end up shattered if it doesn't go your way.
Like Mum said; Go out for some Coffee or something and have a "date" without actually having one, just to get better aquainted and familiar with each other.
I think it would be a
big plus if a guy asked me what my favourite type of music is or my favourite colour, rather than; "Do you play Halo or World of Warcraft?". Leave that for the actual relationship portion of your lives or if he's also really into it, then go for it

mile: .
But don't go in saying; "Okay, I like him and he seems to like me too..." because firstly, you don't know what he's thinking, no matter how much BSing about your lives together makes you think you do and secondly, you shouldn't leave open-ended questions in your head, because then that leads to an open-ended relationship, if it even occurs.
I'd say, just puff out your feathers and be confident like a Peacock, but not overly so. Show him that you are interested in
him, and not just his looks or things you might
think you're interested in him for.
And if he says no thank you, don't take it through the heart. Friendship is better than nothing and you can always still be friends, it won't have to be awkward if the both of you don't make it.
You started off as friends, so what's wrong with just staying friends? It might hurt, but it'll make you better and stronger.
"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"

mile: .
Good luck sweetie!