Ok as no other examples were there ill take a blind stab at this! So people CLEAR OUT MY WAY :eek:
Hello! Im mark!. Get called salty due to the name, and twazzle as thats the name I wish I had :tongue:
Okk I found this through a mate which was called Blazinsmile, but he left and basically I followed, as I felt this was his place not mine, but then I came back umm a monthish ago due to the fact I was fed up of the other sites with all the guys wanting sex from me >_>.
So I came back with basically everyone new to me! (So in a way I joined twice! :biggrin: )
I log on regually reply to the loads of threads (Hence being top poster

), but havent lately due to illness, but my top place is safe! :biggrin:
Basically anyone new will find it useful to mess about have a laugh while making some mates, but also you can post any question and it will be answered best to our knowledge! I mean this site spans from the ages of 14-62+. So best of all worlds really :biggrin:
Gayspeak is a pretty cool place to be fair, and it has helped me. Only thing DONT OPEN TOPICS WHICH ARE MONTHS OLD. Or I will hate you :biggrin:
Anyway im sure you can make up your mind.. If you need ME personally private message me

Bye bye for now :biggrin: