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06-28-2012, 05:07 PM
(Edited 06-29-2012, 03:37 AM by Genersis.)
Oh don't you start with the pictures.
I get enough of those on the other forum site.
Except people there consider that to be an accurate, if humorously exaggerated, picture of Obama.
You know.
Communist born in Kenya trying to destroy the US.
I wonder what the fallout on the other site will be.
Most conservative peeps thought Obamacare was going to be removed entirely...
I must admit, Obamacare...or should i say Romneycare is nowhere near what universal healthcare SHOULD be in my opinion, effectively forcing people to buy health insurance(Or is this a myth?), but i don't think it should be removed without anything to fill the gap.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Its a step in the right direction. Perhaps 20 years down the line there will e a form of universal health care in the USA.
Dismantling the Insurance Company based health system isn't going to happen over night. They will fight, and then its just too big to be undone and rebuilt in short order.
As I understand President Obama's healthcare bill it has a couple main points.
If you do not have your own health insurance you have two options
Option One: Get your own health insurance
Option Two: Use the Government Provided Health Insurance
If you do not exercise one of the two options you are subject to fines and civil penalties.
The main objection most people, myself included have to the plan is that it forces people to obtain health insurance or be penalized. I'm all for the option of a free government health plan for those that can't afford their own, but I am very much against compulsory participation. It goes against what this country was founded on, the rights of individuals to live their own lives in the way they see fit.
This still has to go through another legislative branch before it is considered enacted. I personally have an issue with a Federal government mandating something when they cannot even take care of an ever expanding debt. They claim they will fund the initial portions of this system to get it going??? :confused:
I'm sick of the saturated politics and unecessary bickering over the wrong issues.
We can tackle symptoms all we want but it won't solve the core of the issue. When will politicians realize that.
Capitalism is the culprit so I fail to see how it can be the solution. Good old fashioned greed will bring down capitalism one day and thanks to the insurance companies and their stockholders and the business plan of making more and more money every year...the health care system is now a big FAIL. The government stepped in because it has to step in.
I wish I had taped some interviews with the people I have known in the past 10 years who were dying and thought they had coverage...they lost everything and a few were not covered at for cancer and one for a heart problem because they were pre existing. How can prostate cncer in 1987 possibly be a pre existing condition to having lung cancer in 2008...and grounds to deny treatment after paying into it for a lifetime? Republican push for less government regulation which gives the top 1% permission to enslave you. There is a tiny part of me that hopes the Mayans are right about 2012.
The irony of this stupid end product,...most of the tenets were the Republican ideas...the ones they are now attacking. Most liberals (including myself) HATE this watered down version and resented Obama for backing down so much and basically adopting the Republican plan and abandoning the Public Option.
I didn't think the health care bill was that bad. It had a lot of good points which I feel deserve to be kept. My biggest complaint was the individual mandate. It's really bad precedent to say government can demand you have a product or service and tax you if you don't.
I can see a lot of ways that could be abused in the future for seemingly good ideas or for obvious greed.
thanks everyone for contributing here.
i was thinking later today...
If a medical company or professional (Doctor etc) was thinking to contribute to the Obama re election; i bet Obama gets less now.
its important he gets re elected.