06-30-2012, 02:23 AM
sonofthemanse Wrote:Hello Descole! Welcome to GaySpeak. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is easily the best introduction I've ever read. As a Latinist, loving the bit of lingua Latina in there! We need more Latin on this forum - they carved penises (or is the plural penii?) into the pavements at Pompeii, for goodness' sake!
Latin plural is penes, being a third person masculine noun. That said, the more common word used was menticula, which may very well be a dimunitive as mind.
I haven't taken Latin for over a year, but used to be an aficinado. That said, I still need to really brush up on it. But I think spending a weekend going through Wheelock's would do just the trick if I'm more inclined.