08-06-2012, 06:26 PM
personally i needed to come out because for me it was torment to have everyone in my life i cared about not know. I did not want to end up 40 in a long term relationship and not have my parents know. And i actually went through a period of depression because i loved them so much and couln't connect to them, couldn't mention it. couldn't tell them why me and my best friend julia weren't datin yet. Coming out made my life easier on so many levels. Yeah they can find out otherways than me actually saying it... but imagine, from the perspective of an unacceptive parent like mine. would you rather find out your kid is gay when you catch him and his "roommate" makin' on the sofa? or have them tell you themselves. Many families would be insulted if they weren't afforded respect enough to be told by their love one. So as crusty chunk boogers as it is to have parents who are still stuck in non-support. I regret nothing. and i can face myself in the morning knowing i gave them the chance.
Maaaaaybe. Just maybe. someday we won't have to "come out" in the sense that there is this whole big deal and sit down chat. idk. Your family is kind of a cool hopeful sign that someday it won't matter so much. but as long as prejudice remains. coming out is something that some people like me do have to do ( to honor their families, to respect themselves, to be honest, whatever). I do envy you're fortune ATXtoLA. I wish that i had a family that i could just bring a guy home to and it not matter. That would be awesome. And i still hope for that day
Maaaaaybe. Just maybe. someday we won't have to "come out" in the sense that there is this whole big deal and sit down chat. idk. Your family is kind of a cool hopeful sign that someday it won't matter so much. but as long as prejudice remains. coming out is something that some people like me do have to do ( to honor their families, to respect themselves, to be honest, whatever). I do envy you're fortune ATXtoLA. I wish that i had a family that i could just bring a guy home to and it not matter. That would be awesome. And i still hope for that day