08-15-2012, 04:50 AM
ESLteacher Wrote:As for religion, there is no official religion here in China and majority of people are not religious, just spiritual with old world belief systems of burning carboard iPads so that their deceased loved ones will have entertainment in the after life.
Also, they believe that you will receive good luck if you eat dumplings on certain days of the year. They also rarely go swimming during ghost month, since the ghosts could drown you in the pool. During ghost month they also rarely are out after dark. Of course this is not the case in Shanghai or Beijing as they are VERY western now, but in other cities like where I live, it still holds true to many people. Also, never write a Chinese persons name in red, that is huge disrespect, it is even worse to put a red box around it (you are basically saying that you want them to die and the red box is the coffin), I have actually had children in my class cry when other kids do it to them.