I prefer anything from slim to swimmers build, not necassarily musclular, broad shoulders and slim waist are a turn on. Love smooth guys.
Slim guys to mild muscle, not too cut, not overly muscular. I like em skinny but not so skinny that the ribs show (major turn off if they're a muscle-less build, not so bad when they're kinda muscular). Height doesn't matter, cute face is a major plus. Ugly personality is a deal breaker though, I wouldn't touch a jerk with a 10 foot pole.
So the exact opposite of my body type. lol.
But hopefully a similar personality :tongue:
I'm really turned off by guys that are anorexic! Being a big guy myself I'm afraid I might break 'em or something. I prefer my men with a little meat on their bones. And hair is optional, could take it or leave it! :biggrin:
So am I the only gay man out there that likes big fat hairy men with long bushy beards? Seems like everyone wants the same kind of guy
I prefer "masculine" men.
I like muscle, but not the cut, well defined muscle one finds on the thread of male images (Stud of the Day).
Not really 'fat' but 'healthy' - thick.
I prefer men taller than me. A slightly difficult thing to achieve since I stand 6'2".
Unfortunately I am drawn to abusive men. I'm drawn to dominate mentalities, to men who equate large body-size with strength/power/control over others.
For the past 14 years I have been with a man who is opposite in just about every way from my 'type'. Shorter than me (5'10"), submissive (actually co-dependent), slender (150# and less) and far younger than me - he is 6 months younger than me.
I used to date/partner with older men (5-10 years older) larger, taller, stronger and dominate - too dominate.
My general age range has been in my decade or a tad more. Thus when I was in my 20's I was drawn to men in their 20's or their early 30's. Now I am drawn to men who are in the 40's to 50's. Needless to say, the majority of men on the Stud of the Day thread appear to be mere children to me and I have no interest in them. :biggrin:
I have so few secrets from anyone (including myself). My partner knows my real type, he also knows and I think understands that the reason why I am with him is because he is 'safe'.
My 'type' tends to be abusive, unsafe and those relationships usually ended badly (like with hospital and police involved kind of bad). Considering I have been with him for 14 years and have no real intent of moving on in the near future I think he is secure in the idea that I'm not going to go seeking 'my type'.
I was being a little tongue in cheek there. Sorry, the humor in my voice didn't carry in the written word.
I should use the winks and smilies a tad more often.