09-19-2012, 03:37 AM
Quote:“…There are no strangers. There are only versions of ourselves, many of which we have not embraced, most of which we wish to protect ourselves from. For the stranger is not foreign, she is random, not alien but remembered; and is the randomness of he encounter with our already known – although unacknowledged – selves that summons a ripple of alarm. That makes us reject the figure and the emotions it provokes – especially when these emotions are profound. It is also what makes us want to own, govern, administrate the Other. To romance her, if we can, back into our own mirrors. In either instance (of alarm or false reverence), we deny her personhood, the specific individuality we insist upon for ourselves (Toni Morrison, “The Fisherwoman,†introduction to Robert Bergman’s book of photograhs, A Kind of Rapture, New York: Pantheon/Random House, 1998).â€Â
It wasn't a fair fight from the beginning. So many punches were thrown from the shadows and the viciousness really caught me by surprise.
I was angry and a little frustrated. But I'm glad I had stood my ground. Untruth is easily accepted because they're convenient; but truth does not need to be defended with much effort - for it always prevail in the end.
To the person who started this bs, I'd love an apology of some sort. Perhaps a PM?
As for those still pursuing it: Drop it, you're only making a fool of yourself.
Glad to say I'm back - even stronger than before

You've underestimated me. But now I finally get to pull a punch after all this time lol. Felt good xD