CCRox Wrote: Well don't hold back EAST! let 'er rip tater chip! I am not apologizing for Blue and Bowyn, but I think you're being a tad too sensitive in their regard. I do appreciate what you are trying to accomplish on behalf of the OP and the thread however. The young man does need to consider his plan as a very reasonable and possibly beneficial one. Hope you won't be ruffled long. 
Thank you for your opinion. I realize that the three of you are friends and you want to defend them...I accept that.
Whoa, stop before this turns into a flame war. Okay as you all have noticed by now, I tend to get on a similar track to Bowyn on a lot of things and we both have an uncanny ability to call it as we see it. I for one meant nothing hostile and, I don't think Bowyn did either. It's simply my take on the OP and, my approach to life - escapes don't work, don't use them - face up, deal with it, deal with yourself, then the rest can come to you.
Perhaps that comes from my personal experiences and how I've learned to make my own life better, and what has made it worse. No military or any other place would have done diddly to fix the root of what was making my life pathetic - that was me, internal crap I had to straighten out. So of course I'm going to ask others to do a self check and see if that isn't the case for them. Nothing hostile, just my thoughts and, my own experiences talking.
Sweetie follow your heart ,Just remember this is not a job you can quit.
I think it's a three year contract you sign up for.
Hey no, its alright. I'll take any opinion I can get right now. And sorry for causing all this stuff, I pretty much only wrote what I was worried about for joining the military, not the reasons I know I'm already set on. Because I do agree with Bowen.
I want to move towards becoming a better person, losing all the bull reasons I have to slack off. Learning everything I can and actually being able to help people and do something that is important. Doing something I care about and being useful. Also I picked the navy, not because of the 5%, I was just worried about being dropped plum straight into combat situations because I'm not a very violent person, but because when I think about what the navy does I say, "Hey that sounds like something I'd want to be a part of." And, honestly, hearing about it from my cousin pushed me in that direction of the military as well.
The reason I wanted to join the Navy is so that I can stop sliding by in life. There's nothing here I really want to escape from. People, classes, all that stuff I always have to deal with, no matter where I go. I just thought I might be a little happier with it if I was doing something I believe in, instead of working minimum wage to get into the lowest common denominator schools.
And again, sorry for not being on in time to clarify all that. I'm not so good at the explaining myself part, I just focused on what issues I thought I would have to deal with instead of the picture as a whole.
If that's your reasoning, and you're willing to work hard, then I say go for it. It won't be easy but, it will be worth it if you really apply yourself.
And sorry for causing all this stuff
You didn't cause anything at all and if you agree with Bowyn then I will apologize to you. I was in the Navy and I didnt' appreciate some of the things being said (not apologizing for that) but you should take the advice that best suits you and who you are...good luck whatever you decide to do.
Deryn, good luck to you. I was in the US Navy during the last of the Vietnam war. I was going nowhere and the Navy was the best decision I ever made. The toughest part was taking a shower with all that candy hanging around. Good for you if you do.
Deryn Wrote:Hey no, its alright. I'll take any opinion I can get right now. And sorry for causing all this stuff, I pretty much only wrote what I was worried about for joining the military, not the reasons I know I'm already set on. Because I do agree with Bowen.
I want to move towards becoming a better person, losing all the bull reasons I have to slack off. Learning everything I can and actually being able to help people and do something that is important. Doing something I care about and being useful. Also I picked the navy, not because of the 5%, I was just worried about being dropped plum straight into combat situations because I'm not a very violent person, but because when I think about what the navy does I say, "Hey that sounds like something I'd want to be a part of." And, honestly, hearing about it from my cousin pushed me in that direction of the military as well.
The reason I wanted to join the Navy is so that I can stop sliding by in life. There's nothing here I really want to escape from. People, classes, all that stuff I always have to deal with, no matter where I go. I just thought I might be a little happier with it if I was doing something I believe in, instead of working minimum wage to get into the lowest common denominator schools.
And again, sorry for not being on in time to clarify all that. I'm not so good at the explaining myself part, I just focused on what issues I thought I would have to deal with instead of the picture as a whole.
Do you have any idea on what rocks your world in the way of doing 'stuff'? Other than gaming PCs or partying :biggrin:? Has there every been a thing you really enjoyed doing?
For instance I spent a lot of time pursuing a higher education. To do that required I worked to pay bills at the same time. I did construction type labor and always looked at that as being a means to the greater end.
Its not until my 30's that I rediscovered the joy I had with working with my hands and threw myself back into construction and became a general contractor. Sure to everyone else in the world that may look like a step backwards, but in truth I was very happy with working with my hands.
Is there anything in your life that you have done or are doing that you enjoy doing?
Then focus on that.
Deryn Wrote:And there could be issues with my sexuality and all that jazz, but I've been really turned off of sex and people in general as of late, as long as I don't get a lot of trouble from the other guys I should be okay.
hey man i was in the same boat( no pun intended) as your are in. i had just graduated high school didnt have the grades, or the will, to go to college. and i decided to enlist in the Marine Corps. and fenris i do understand where you are coming from as well, being a pagan myself, i too refuse to take anyones life unless it was a last resort. but what you may or may not know is that a lot of jobs in the military do not see actual combat, like administration.
deryn to respond to the quote if you do not mention the fact that you are gay, or bi, or whatever they wont care. sure theyll call you names, but thats part of boot camp. ive had straight guys in my boot camp platoon called "gay", "fag", etc. Just because they call you names doesnt mean that they actually think it. and if you are worried that the military isnt right for you just remember that the military is what you make of it. as long as you stay motivated and arent a shit head youll enjoy your time in, just talk to a recruiter about the different jobs you are qualified for and when you find one that you like, before you sign the contract learn as much about that job as you can, like exactly what it is that youll be doing at that job. and before you would ship off to boot camp really try to get a job because i have quite a few friends who are in the navy and when to boot undesignated(no job contract) and now all they do all day is paint ships, scrap off barnacles and stupid stuff like that. but in the end its your life and your choice as to what you do. you shouldnt let others influence you as to your choice cuz they could influence you to do or not do something that youll regret for the rest of your life.