10-24-2012, 10:04 AM
Let's name our child 'Q' pronounced 'k', just the consonant sound.
Let's name our child 'forty-three' or its fun spelling variation 'phour-tehe-tphriiii'
Let's name our child '&Anthony@mspiggy', that would be 'ampersandanthonyatmisspiggy' if verbalised.
Let's name our child 'Courtney' but spelt 'BDooUUUhtxq' and pronounced 'Ju-re-tiji-nee'
Let's name our child 'forty-three' or its fun spelling variation 'phour-tehe-tphriiii'
Let's name our child '&Anthony@mspiggy', that would be 'ampersandanthonyatmisspiggy' if verbalised.
Let's name our child 'Courtney' but spelt 'BDooUUUhtxq' and pronounced 'Ju-re-tiji-nee'