Date! I agree!
I am a morning person and wake up with a smile and happy demeanor 99% of the time. Date or Hate?
Hate because you'd be talking and asking questions 5 minutes after I wake up and I hate that and will snap at you for it.
I have some tools that no one but me is allowed to touch for any reason so date or hate?
Date. You don't have to eat them.
I don't believe in the two party system. Hate or date?
Date - they're all lying hypocrites!
I can be lazy at times - date or hate?
Date. I lived with Mr. Lazy for 15 years... I doubt I could handle an non-lazy person now.
I empathize with the Witch in the story of Hansel and Gretel, I feel she got the raw end of the deal and had every right to eat the children who started devouring her home without permission... Hate or date?
Date- It is your twisted perception that I find endearing and makes me look at things in a different way.
I like watching award shows just to see the fashion! Designer gowns make my day. Date or Hate?
Date! I love fashion myself.
I am supremely stubborn and buck up against authority. Date or Hate?
Date because I don't like authority either.
I keep my house clean except vacuuming because I hate the noise the vacuum makes and do it as little as possible so date or hate?
oh, hate.
I walk barefoot at home. Date or hate?