Date! I did too!
I like to paint, but when I do I want to be left alone. Date or Hate?
Date: I'm 'that way' about some of my creative endeavors as well, I totally 'get' the need to work alone at times.
I like to have a hot meal on the table when my mate comes in after a day of work. Hate or Date?
Date. Sometimes, I prefer to cook together.
With my special someone, I like to stay in, have dinner, and watch a film. Hate or Date?
Posts: 10,581
Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
date-----the govt doesnt belong in my bedroom
i like traveling....d/h?
Date as long as you don't expect me to go with - Do go and enjoy it yourself. I'm a total homebody, someone has to guard the forest.
I don't travel - period = hate or date?
Posts: 10,581
Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
h: however will u make it to the tropics?
im a softie.... d/h
Date. I like softies, but then I have known some really tough hardies so can appreciate the softies.
The major problem I have with travel to far off places is the jet plane. I do not have a fear of flying - I do however have a terrible high end fear of crashing. Hate or Date?
Date , I respect peoples fears.
I absolutely refuse to go to a zoo or a circus because I can't stand to see animal locked up. it reduces me to tears.
Date or hate?
Date - I too hate the cage zoos. The open ones, more along the lines of safari are more acceptable to me.
I use the traditional feather duster to dust - hate or date?