....I suppose if it makes you feel bad...but you haven't posted anything yet that would make me not want to date you...
I often fall into these low self-esteem streaks, half of it for unfounded reasons D/H
Yes your low self-esteem is unfounded. You certainly fit into the world better than I ever hope to, though this about you not me. You are a gifted intellect which is coupled with a practical charisma, which you will not dispute with me. Your appearance is desirable whether you care to admit to yourself such or not. You may continue lying to yourself but GS knows and has expressed to you otherwise on numerous occasions with no intent or purpose of misleading; you are handsome. You also possess a romantic streak that may be more obvious when you finally find someone you care about. Your potential for friendship and relationships is immeasurable. You have an interesting, admirable and successful career, in which I understand you will only continue to excel. I am sure I can continue on for pages, so I will conclude with this: you have so much to offer those around you, you have the spirit to do so and the necessary drive – it only needs to be roused. You also have a great deal that you can yet gain… just go after it, because I can assure you that you are worth it in every respect… 
Now this is most likely the last post I will make in this thread, all that is left are mundane and negative qualities…. not surprising since I possess so few. Anyhow, this is more of a dream, so here goes:
I want to walk down a country road holding your hand, the soft cool spring breeze gently at our backs, guiding us forward along the path. The last of the snow melt flowing through the ditches, only the occasional banks in the woods off to the side to remind us of the passion of winter. Admire little crocus blossoms giving their last brief smile before slowly fading and listen to the crisp clear chirping of birds greeting nature on their return home. Golden grasses beginning to surrender to the vibrant green of renewal… d/h
I focus more on my work than home d/h
I will quote this
southbiochem Wrote:you haven't posted anything yet that would make me not want to date you...
In response to this
Jovial Wrote:Now this is most likely the last post I will make in this thread, all that is left are mundane and negative qualities…. not surprising since I possess so few.
and to this
Jovial Wrote:I want to walk down a country road holding your hand, the soft cool spring breeze gently at our backs, guiding us forward along the path. The last of the snow melt flowing through the ditches, only the occasional banks in the woods off to the side to remind us of the passion of winter. Admire little crocus blossoms giving their last brief smile before slowly fading and listen to the crisp clear chirping of birds greeting nature on their return home. Golden grasses beginning to surrender to the vibrant green of renewal… d/h
I say....hell yes
trialbyerror Wrote:I focus more on my work than home d/h
I am the same...not quite sure if it's a good or a bad thing..
I do, though, tend to be obsessive in house chores....D/H
Yes house chores... though it would be fun to have someone to do them with... *sigh*
Right then, the official last post…….
I am nearing a middle aged, depressed virgin with low self-esteem, no worldly experience, no secondary education, little work experience, no job/career, has very little in common with anyone, can’t carry a conversation, is a social reject who is self-conscious about a hearing loss and is out of touch with modern technology and therefore outdated in general… who also considers himself an ugly duckling with little to no possibility of changing that view… d/h
Date because you are beautiful.
I can be very rude if you try to shove religion down my throat.
Date or hate?
Pushing people to believe a religion is really rude... Date
It tends to make me less interested if you had a lot of lovers in the past..lesser ex's, the better d/h
Jovial Wrote:I am nearing a middle aged, depressed virgin with low self-esteem, no worldly experience, no secondary education, little work experience, no job/career, has very little in common with anyone, can’t carry a conversation, is a social reject who is self-conscious about a hearing loss and is out of touch with modern technology and therefore outdated in general… who also considers himself an ugly duckling with little to no possibility of changing that view… d/h
All of these are traits I share with you...
I still see you as dating material, seriously..
and don't ugly ducklings turn into beautiful swans?..
Evan88 Wrote:It tends to make me less interested if you had a lot of lovers in the past..lesser ex's, the better d/h
I've had zero.....how's that...so date
^the above^ D/H
southbiochem Wrote:All of these are traits I share with you...
Not any were nearly to the same extent… not even close
NOTE: continue from southbiochems.......
I'm confused currentl;y h/d???