Ah cool I bake more in winter than in summer, and eat heavier foods n winter than in summer. Since I predominately live outside for 3 seasons of the year, the whole redecorating thing gets done by Ma - Ma Nature - but I'm totally there with that doing it inside the house...
Date - You can try out most recipes on me, only thing is I eat a kosher diet... So there are limits - other than that I tend to not refuse most foods.
I eat a kosher diet - H/D?
date . so do i , mostly.
or totally. i've not actually thought about it. although i lived with a jewish family for a while so then i was definitely eating only kosher food. now that i'm getting slightly more adventurous with my diet , that might have changed ...
i am very , very flexible . hate or date
Flexibility is a wonderful thing, especially at my late great age.... Cherish is, work on it, keep it... Date
I will ignore a lot of 'stuff' people do in order to keep the peace. h/d?
date . you can ignore and be nice while i'm getting all worked up and shouty about "stuff"
balance , aye
i can drive but i don't have a car. at the moment. i might get one. hate or date
I have a car, but hate driving. D/H?
date. i'll drive
i'm not very sexual. i can go a loooong time without sex and not really mind. hate or date ?
Consider the following:
I was in a 14.5 year long relationship that ended in 2012. I haven't had sex since 1999....
Yeah, I went nearly 13 years without sex with my partner because of that annoying thing called love...
Think I will date you - yes of course, love ain't so much about the sex its about other things - well at least for me.
When I dedicate myself I dedicate myself totally to a person. H/D?
date. no point doing things like that half-heartedly
i have had some plastic surgery done . hate or date
Doesnt matter as long as you are happy with yourself...date
If you said something bad...to me or to people i care for, i'll have a hard time forgetting it D/h
Date. I like headstrong people.
I really don't like when people are fake; if you are upset, say it and we'll work through it. D/H?