I shower with the door open. date or hate?
Date: Wouldn't bother me none.
I say whatever is on my mind, i point out a flaw then i reinforce it with a compliment to make your flaw seem unimportant. i.e. "You have a high pitched voice, but you've got masculine features which makes up for it." Date or Hate?
Hate... Too passive agressive for me
I get upset when I dont get what I want
I love to drive around? Date or hate?
Date: Pepsi, Coke, all the same to me.
I am a virgin, date or hate? LOL
I let my guy make the choices dAte or hate
Date: Don't care, maybe you could teach me how to use it because I can't figure it out for the life of me.
I would prefer to be the passive one in a relationship? Date or Hate?