Who are you again? Date... Names leave me foggy.
I like off weather, storms, fog, and the like... Hate or Date?
Date me too.
Date , I cook and clean anytime.
Although it does not happen often ,there are days when even a keyboard hero who is an insecure woman hating asswipe can upset me by saying a careless word or two.
Date or hate?
Date. Lightning is cool to watch if you have a good view and rain is so soothing to listen too.
I like to learn how things work. It bothered my parents when I was young because I was always taking things apart.
Date. I disassemble and reassemble things for the LULZ....
I don't like gold much, I prefer other metals.. Hate or date?
Date I like silver better than gold.
I don't like the TV on when we're eating so date or hate?
Date. TV should go off when eating with friends.
I can't play an instrument but really want to learn the guitar and or ukulele. Hate or date?
Stick with the guitar... Date.
I empathize with the Joker (feel sorry for him) Hate or Date?
Date because the Joker is a great villain. I relate more towards Victor Freez though.
I am a huge Batman nerd. Comics, movies and everything. Hate or date.
While I'm personally not a huge nerd, I can appreciate the genre. Date.
I don't watch much TV - hate or date?
Date. I watch too much and need a reason to stop.
I want to eat cookies. Hate or date?