Hello Hugo, and

to GaySpeak. Whoever on earth decided that it was less manly to love another man? I don't see how it'll change who you are basically? You're not going to change the way you are? It might change the sort of people you associate with (and accept being seen with) but it's not going to change the way YOU are. Leopards don't change their spots.
People's perception of who you are doesn't fit what you feel inside. But they don't really know you. And they won't if you don't let them. If you are now comfortable with being in a relationship with a male, then go out there and seek it. If your whole world and your whole life depends on it, then seek it. Only fools never change their minds, the saying goes. It's human to err, and it's human to be looking for long term companionship. We find it wherever we can, and when we're lucky enough to find it, we hold on to it.
You're not the first man here, Hugo, to have taken your time finding who you are and finally coming to terms with it. The self-perceived ''shame'' or ridicule of your past behaviour is only an obstacle in so far as you are ready to let it be an obstacle. You can skip that hurdle. Those who aren't intelligent enough to accept you as you are, needn't be your friends.
As for family, they generally learn to adapt. Maybe it'll make them less crass and ignorant about what it means to be gay or bisexual? Once they know one: you, their brother, their son, their cousin, their uncle ...
Take care, and come here as much as you like to vent, wish, hope, cry on someone's shoulder... you name it. I hope it'll be the beginning of a new life for you soon. One in which you can shine and thrive.