12-01-2012, 01:59 PM
Let them explain it for themselves...
While I'm not so sure it would work, I thought they did make enough of a case to make some people really scared...and as one explanation of homophobia goes...
![[Image: 527543_430998746960706_414649977_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/527543_430998746960706_414649977_n.jpg)
And this...enough of this might actually be so true that it wouldn't have to be a parody...especially as plenty of guys like the idea of being with a woman who likes women...
I've actually found it odd how many lesbian geeks & gamers there are (technically, I'm one, just not that fanatic, at least not as I was when I was younger, and I recall I actually had a harder time coming to term with the fact I was a geek rather than being gay, even if that meant I spent about a minute upset over the realization I was a geek when I wasn't upset over being gay at all
). I actually suspect the reason (at least a one of the bigger ones) that many guy gamers & geeks have a hard time finding women (not that they all do) is because the women they're most likely to share the same interests with are also likely to share the same desire for a woman. :tongue:
While I'm not so sure it would work, I thought they did make enough of a case to make some people really scared...and as one explanation of homophobia goes...
![[Image: 527543_430998746960706_414649977_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/527543_430998746960706_414649977_n.jpg)
And this...enough of this might actually be so true that it wouldn't have to be a parody...especially as plenty of guys like the idea of being with a woman who likes women...
I've actually found it odd how many lesbian geeks & gamers there are (technically, I'm one, just not that fanatic, at least not as I was when I was younger, and I recall I actually had a harder time coming to term with the fact I was a geek rather than being gay, even if that meant I spent about a minute upset over the realization I was a geek when I wasn't upset over being gay at all