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Myth; AIDS is a gay disease!!!
Not a myth anymore!!!

Nothing about AIDS is funny, but the funny thing about people and their perceptions is that AIDS once once perceived as a GAY DISEASE. There were, and still are, people out there that considered AIDS as a disease that actually linked to somebodys lifestyle. Many of them actually thought that it was something that was hereditory or something like that, and we contracted it automatically when we "turned" gay.

Back to my point; the funny thing about the whole thing now is that heterosexuals are on the rise for contraction of the disease thanks in part to such drugs as Viagra and Cialis. Now, the ones that thought we were to blame for the disease are the one's that are contracting the disease as the thanks in part to such drugs, the senior citizens who are now more sexually active then ever are on a serious rise with contracting the disease.

Not too far from me is a town called the Villages, Florida. This area is full of high dollar communities and is primarily full of nothing but retirement communities. With retirement communities comes senior citizens who have a stockpile in such sexually enhancing drugs as it seems that these individuals have turned into jackrabbits of sorts. This town has one of the hightest rate increases of AIDS throughout the entire world. It's not a town full of gay communities, sex bars, or nudest colonies. But these individuals who walk around with their noses so high are actually realizing that they are just like the rest of us and that we are just like them.

I think that it is safe to assume that those people out there that blamed us for this disease are finally coming to grips with the realization as they are now the one's on the rise for the prevelance....By no means am I hateful or believe in poetic justice as I wish that this desease never existed to begin with, but see, we were never to blame!!!


This hadn't been a myth for a long time, I've known it wasn't a biased disease since I was 12. I'm sure the perceptions along that vein were based on propaganda.

It is a gay disease. Dirty homo's

Lol, I just checked my manhunt account on a whim, and had this article in my inbox:


True, not a myth anymore to most but still is to persons who are still ignorant. I posted this because I was having a casual conversation with others in public about AIDS day and somone eaves dropping had a few choice words to say about gay persona and HIV. I bet you can imagine how the conversation went, but the ignorance is what truly took me off guard. I really truly believed that what this eaves dropper was saying he actually believed. To believe this while thinking that everybody out there believes that there is no correlation leads me to believe that there are still ignorant people out there. Why is this?

This misconception is just that, a misconception. People who are ignorant are just that, ignorant people.

The video was ironic and I have a bit about this drug, but minimially. I run a gay community website with current relevant news and I will be learning more about this for future references. Thank you for the insight.


It is still primarily a gay disease in the West. Gay people account for a little over a half of new HIV infections, and they make up a much smaller portion of the general population.

I really don't get the obsession some people have with trying to make out that HIV is a major problem for everyone, and not just gay men. This is, of course, somewhat true, but it remains a far greater problem for the gay community than any other group. More important, the disease is also one of the economically disenfranchised as it disproportionately effects the poorest gay and straight people.

Well, apparently, they've been going on about the number of people who don't know they are HIV+ in the UK and it appears that some 30,000 people are going on about their business not knowing that they'd better be diagnosed. The gays in Western Europe continue to be the most affected because with the new treatments and the lack of constant campaigning, the habits of protection have started to get lost... but it's still very much a killer and if not a killer, at least a lifelong annoyance. But let's not beat about the bush, the gays that are mostly affected will be those who have risky sex behaviours and forget to use condoms, including with men who have sex with men who may not be counted as homosexuals, or don't consider themselves homosexuals. So more than being a ''gay'' disease in Western Europe, it's a MSM disease mostly. In Eastern Europe it is still quite often transmitted through drug use.
The numbers of heterosexual transmissions are still growing as the numbers of people affected are growing in some areas of the world with poor sanitation, poor education, and poor sex health policies. It should be added that the rise in sexually transmitted infections does not help to stave the propagation of the disease, which seems to couple with STIs to lower the immune system even more. STIs should therefore be detected as soon as possible and treated (we can treat those while AIDS is still, for now, irreversible).

gayworld Wrote:Not a myth anymore!!!

Nothing about AIDS is funny, ...

as I wish that this desease never existed to begin with, but see, we were never to blame!!!

Scott, no disease is interested in what your sexual orientation is;.. This is a disease that we can blame on ignorance when it spreads and politics that are just not far reaching enough... Again money is a big controller... Some religions are partly to blame for not allowing the use of condoms, some politicians are to blame for not recognising that this was an issue of public health. Ultimately we are all to blame when our behaviour is irrespectful of other people's lives and health.

It is such a tragic cruel disease , any disease that consumes it's host is so very awful.
I am trying to understand why they walk around with blinders on , so much of the disease is spread by drug addicts.

I recently watched a documentary revealing how rampant the disease is in Iran.
The statistics were alarming in this predominance Muslim country, and then there is Africa.
The whole thing is just so very tragic.

I am extremely surprised at the small amount of publicity this disease receives in places like that , virtually no knowledge or warnings are given.
The whole subject is still taboo and kept on the down low.

Absolutely, mum... Particularly dire situation in South Africa... And men who don't own up to their carelessness or are too uneducated to understand how to protect themselves and their partners (females mostly)... In the Congo, in the war zones there are so many children who are taken in as sex slaves (both male and female) that the disease is likely to spread to those people too, whose lives are already ruined by being serially raped. It is alarming.

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