12-03-2012, 09:41 PM
So my male counterpart that i've been seeing for the last month or so... has basically ignored that i need his attention also, and doesn't try to come see me.. nor when im in town can he get away.... so this past weekend, he planned on coming down to see me right!! I was excited... waited all day for him to show up... but nothing... not even a call, text or IM saying that he wasn't coming down...... until about 3 am.... really..... what a nice wake up call... So after said events... i've been sitting at home, debating on whether or not to keep this relationship going, when really its not going anywhere between us... He is a Glorified Closet Case, that captured my heart and now i've gotta break it off because i'm not gonna sit back and wait... when i could go find... someone else that is gonna take time to work out a possible relationship...and not be afraid of what the world thinks of him!!!!
Thanks for Listening to my Venting.... Kinda Feels good to scream in words!!!!!

Thanks for Listening to my Venting.... Kinda Feels good to scream in words!!!!!
