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Hello I'm Parker
I am not here for a relationship other than a possible friendship, which I am not sure will happen.
Well, to start: I, personally, am straight. There are people in my life, that I love very much, who are bisexual, lesbian, and gay.
The second thing is that I'm what is considered religious. Recently, I've seen some things and learned some things which makes me want to handle certain things differently.
At a young age I was starting to learn to be a homophobe when family was making fun of my cousin who was just coming out of the closet. Fortunately, he set me straight and showed me that what the family and I was doing was not Christ-like. I went on knowing that it was not ok to make fun and ostracizing someone hurts them. Later in life, I learned that maybe how I was going about my life was not good, because even though I had stopped publicly putting people down, I was still doing it behind their backs. I was judging people, which isn't a christian's place. I am here to help recondition how I view and interact people.
It's time for out with the ugly.
So that's me, I can understand why no one would want to talk to me, if that's how it turns out. I hope that maybe I could be given a chance to maybe explain myself a little bit more. feel free to send me feed back.

Hey Parker, it was nice having you in chat today. Hope to see you around more. Smile

hey , welcome ^^

Welcome! I know we had a chance to chat briefly in the chat room, so thank you for posting a more in-depth explanation of your concerns.

It sounds like you already know how to act and that judging people for what they are and not who they are isn't the right way to go about things.

Everyone is guilty of talking badly about people behind their backs or putting them down, but what's done is done and you can only control your behavior going forward.

Hi Parker welcome. Smile

G Day Parker and welcome to Gayspeak Wink

Hello Parker Welcome

At 66 I may be the oldest gay guy you have ever met. Welcome to GaySpeak. If I learned one thing in my life, God hates NO ONE. The second thing I learned was Jesus hates NO ONE.

Jesus was a man as I recall. Jesus lived for 33 years. I would happily bet that Jesus woke up with an erection every morning of his life. He probably enjoyed the sensation of having an erection just like every guy does. He went from boy to man so we can safely bet He had wet dreams about something. Jesus hung out with 12 guys. Some were married and had children. Some obviously enjoyed the sensation of orgasm. What are the odds that none of Jesus' friends told dirty jokes or made raunchy remarks. I'd say zero. Even though he knew most men are downright horny, Jesus still loved us all enough to allow Himself to be crucified for our sins.

Jesus often seemed to despise avarice and greed. How many times do you recall Jesus insulting someone for being sexually odd, strange, gay, bisexual or heterosexual. I like the idea that Jesus spent almost NO TIME discussing sex to anyone.

Now, how many times has God told you to hate someone, Parker. Good, NOT ONCE you just said. I like that. I am gay but most of my friends throughout my life have been straight. I am on record that I do not suffer from heterophobia like the rest of the guys at GaySpeak.

Welcome aboard. Feel free to teach us something if you disagree with anyone. I feel free to disagree with you.. As a gay man, I am constantly told I must support abortion. Sorry I do not. God gave me a gay soul at the moment of conception and I will accept judgment from God as a gay man.. No one, not even my parents had the right to terminate my life on an involuntary basis. They had the right to practice birth control before I was conceived. Since then the soul I possess was given to me by God alone. He is the only one I answer to.

When I die I expect to be asked if I had a conscience and did I use it. I expect to be asked if I loved someone more than myself. Finally, God will expect me to be sorry for my sins. I believe God will ask the the same questions of you. I find it hard to believe that God or Jesus would allow heaven to fill up with people who hate anyone.

God love you, Parker, have fun at GaySpeak.


Welcome! Wavey

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Thank you all so very much for welcoming me to this site and for giving me some of your thoughts on what I have written. I do very much enjoy chatting with you all. To be frank, I am hoping to love others like God would want me to. It's difficult for me because this is a big mountain to climb and I'm taking baby steps.
I hope that you all will feel free to tell me when I've started being a "hater" as I guess it's called.
Thanks again. Smile

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