01-05-2013, 01:08 AM
Ok so I currently feel like a lost soul.
14 years ago after a long term straight relationship, I came out and I did the whole thing, fell quickly, had a civil partnership (then a blessing before God) and from there everything in my life plan went a bit t**s up.
The relationship came to a sad end and there have been numerous broken relationships with men ever since. I gave up on the gay relationships and clicked instantly with a woman whom I fell in love with. Me being gay was so hard for her at he time, she left me and eventually we became the best of friends. I guess most of you wold call her my fag hag. That was some 7 years ago and each time we spend time together, the feelings never change except now, she feels it too.
I am in a very loving relationship with a guy for over 2 years now - something hat seems to work except now I find myself wanting to leave and be with the girl of my dreams - I have a thousand questions running through my head and cant bring myself to hurt he guy who loves me so he knows nothing but everyday it kills me more - what the hell am I thinking - could this work or as friends, are me and the girl doomed t make the biggest mistake ever........I see happiness, marriage and perhaps children and I know she does too yet I am so confused after being gay for so long. I was already gay when we dated and it worked so well - others made it difficult and we have both grown so much since then - Advice from you kind people would be very welcome. Thank you
14 years ago after a long term straight relationship, I came out and I did the whole thing, fell quickly, had a civil partnership (then a blessing before God) and from there everything in my life plan went a bit t**s up.
The relationship came to a sad end and there have been numerous broken relationships with men ever since. I gave up on the gay relationships and clicked instantly with a woman whom I fell in love with. Me being gay was so hard for her at he time, she left me and eventually we became the best of friends. I guess most of you wold call her my fag hag. That was some 7 years ago and each time we spend time together, the feelings never change except now, she feels it too.
I am in a very loving relationship with a guy for over 2 years now - something hat seems to work except now I find myself wanting to leave and be with the girl of my dreams - I have a thousand questions running through my head and cant bring myself to hurt he guy who loves me so he knows nothing but everyday it kills me more - what the hell am I thinking - could this work or as friends, are me and the girl doomed t make the biggest mistake ever........I see happiness, marriage and perhaps children and I know she does too yet I am so confused after being gay for so long. I was already gay when we dated and it worked so well - others made it difficult and we have both grown so much since then - Advice from you kind people would be very welcome. Thank you