Hello guys!
I have so many questions that need answers. In my circles I don't seem to believe their opinion isn't bias so I thought I'd bring my problems to a new place. For starters I have been in the same relationship for two years. I love this man with all my heart and then some. I have moved hours away from my home just to be with him. I even quit a job I loved dearly so that I could be with him. With that said I have a problem.. I tend to be a pushover. He has now officially cheated on me three times. What's worse is that those three are the only ones I know. I stay because I know and see who he is on the inside and can see he just has some growing up to do. For some reason he is the first to truly capture my heart and I feel lost without him. I know he really loves me but he cannot control himself. Am I an idiot for sticking around, hoping for the best? On top of the cheating he's the most insensitive person out there. I have to beg him for even a hug goodnight.Recently my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer (which was over a year ago) and he has never bothered to ask how is she or how am I. I didn't come here to just have people bash on him for being a jerk. I am really curious if I am that blinded by love and wonder what someone else would do in such a predicament.
Yes, you are an idiot for sticking around.
Do you think that the 3 times he cheated on you (That you know of) is the end of it?
No, this story ends up with you having hepatitis or HIV.
Hmmm, doesn't care about you or your Mum? You seriously care about a spineless creature like that?
You sound like a very sweet and loving person and you deserve someone that respects you and loves you for who you are. He does not.
I am so sorry to hear that.
I fear that if he has done it before he will most likely do it again and again and again.
Get an exit plan together and part company, if you don't you are going to be hurt a lot.
Yes this is going to hurt a whole hella lot to leave, to end it in the short term, but it is going to be a lot less painful in the long run.
I'm sure you are a good guy, with lots of love to give... I fear he isn't quite a right match for you.
Trust me, somewhere in the world there is your ideal mate... It may take a few false starts and wrong relationships to find him. But you will, eventually.
Be good to you.
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Nooo you should not be doing that, sooner or later he's going to lose respect for you because you don't respect yourself and treat you like crap or decide he likes the single life more and dump you.
pull away slow; see if you can acquire friends and or appreciate those already in place in the mean time.
if things are as you say.
I see two directions:
2) Can you guys talk and you can let him know how you feel
and two conlusions:
1) Moving on you willfind someone else and be happy
2) You are just postponing the inevitable.
the advice:
Get over it and move on ASAP. been there, done that.
I am very sorry about the situation you find yourself in.
The faster you get away from him the better off you will be; this guy is not really worthy of you. I know it will be hard to make the break because of all the sacrifices that you have made on his behalf.
You still seem to have hope that he will change. While you are waiting for those changes - that in all probability will never come - you’re putting you physical and mental health at stake.
Nobody who really loved you would treat you this way. This is defiantly not the type of relationship you deserve.
I am going to give you the best advice i can and tell you my story... As many people know here just over a year ago my 6 and a half year relationship ended and i ended up doing what your doing... I would like to so badly give ya a hug of courage and say hunni pack your bags and get back to your mother... Dont waste your life on this guy because the saying a leopoard never changes his spots as a slapper never changes her nickers is true.. He will continue to allow you to be pushed over because his allowed to have his cake and eat it. I think if he has gone down this road then its time to maybe think about calling it a day. You can go a lot for someone you love truely but you know what... You will find another guy to love to respect and be respect by and have another person you can hold in bed not beg for a hug who will ask you how you are. It takes a lot to break a relationship especially with someone you love and this is where love will kill you inside but remember it is for the best.. Take a whole year out of a relationship dont be scared to have a good cry and post away on here because we are all here like a community to help one another and you got people like me and rainbow mum on here who will help listen and mend your soulful wounds.. No one deserves this and trust me love will come your way when its right.. Put it this way..
2 years ago i was[ in my prime with my partner... Yes i knew he was cheating but i stayed with him and what did it get me??? Truthfully ill tell you... £16,000 of debt ($30,000) approx.. a broken heart near bankruptcy and a broken home as i lost a dog to him.. I took a year out i cried my eyes out til i couldnt cry no more... Self harm kicked in a little and i watched as my man fell in love with another man behind my back and tried to get me taken out by a guy with a tazer.. Nowadays since i split ill tell you where i am now...
Met a new guy who has captured my heart, who spends and treats me the way i want.. Who i dont need to collect from the pub, who understands there is more to life than a pint and who accepts my debt and supports me in my money situation. My ex has showed up several times and ive told him two words..... First begins with F and the second is followed by off..
When you go he may panic and realise his mistakes but please dont let his sorries and tears get you to go back... Dont be soft because all that happens is things get worse... If he truely cared for you he would be supportive and ask how your mum is.... He would not go shagging random blokes... You deserve a lot better mista and im not critising him im making you aware of your wrong doings by being with him because your allowing him to monopolise your life and take control of your situation..
lISTEN TO A song called Land of make beleive by all stars i think it is and the first few lines will apply to you mister
I hope your mother makes a good medical recovery...
Sending best wishes to you and your mother
Kindest regards
Aunty Zeon
Gayspeak Agony Aunt