what's your input? I have always been shady of medicine.
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I tend not to buy into conspiracy theories.
What I miss most are the annual outbreaks of polio, my shares in iron lung manufacturers have become almost worthless. And what about good old typhoid and diphtheria and whooping cough and scarlet fever and smallpox and tuberculosis. Measles used to be a great one, we all loved that when we were kids, some of us even lived. Let's have a shout for the kids who were made deaf and blind because their mothers were exposed to german measles during pregnancy, or let's not, they won't be able to hear us. And those minor wounds that used to get infected and kill people, I miss those too. There was nothing like a good dental abscess to give you days of exquisite agony, such a shame that antibiotics can sort those out in a matter of hours. We were so much better off before transplant surgery was made possible by immunosupressant drugs to prevent rejection. And those blood pressure treatments, who wouldn't rather die of kidney failure. Did I mention diabetes, that used to be a great killer but hey, you can never be too thin. And then there's those clot-busting drugs that treat thrombosis and vastly improve the chances of recovery from stroke. And the sophisticated analgesics that make arthritis tolerable, even though we'd all prefer to be out of our heads on good old laudanum. What about the aneasthetics which make complicated surgical procedures safe and manageable, who wouldn't rather drink half a bottle of whisky and bite on a piece of rope? God how I hate the pharmaceutical industry and it's baleful influence on our lives.
Those diseases couldn't really have been up to much because their prevalence has declined so much over the years despite the best efforts of big pharma to keep them going.
In a world where many die daily from preventable or treatable diseases, people like this whiny nutjob woman moaning about drug companies whose products she will be happy to use, are abusing a very privileged first world position. Too much shit like this and I'll be needing blood pressure medication myself.
Before the internet the village idiot was confined to his or her own village.
There's a lot wrong with the pharmaceutical industry but it's got nothing to do with what this stupid malicious cow has to say.
Enlightening isn't it? In short, no.
Be careful what you wish for.
I'm not a real doctor, but I play one for myself for most things... I would have done my own ulnar nerve transposition, but that requires two hands and being awake....
In America the HMOs are so in charge of every aspect of health care, and their interest is profit, not patient health. Doctors are now terrified of being sued... its a huge mess that only worsens as time goes on.
Obama care doesn't too much to make real change. Hopefully the whole system will be replaced with a more humane society (yeah social) system. And stuff like money driven medicine will be replaced with real medicine.
Like always, it's dangerous to trust things that negate the mainstream opinion just because they make sweeping vague statements that sound credible but if closely examined have countless flaws.
I find it ridiculous to believe that just because of capitalism, every person in every business is out to make more money through deceptive means.
I guess evil capitalist Hong Kong hospitals saved my father and rehabilitated him after he and I were run over by a runaway thief so they could 'keep themselves in business'. Hell, I bet they planned it all along and hired that person to run us over.
I guess the reason all children get free vaccinations and the reason we all get free healthcare is just to waste the governments funds and they just stick poison in our bloodstreams for the lulz.
Why don't we all just put all the sick people everywhere in a building and tell them all to google 'natural therapies' for their ailments. Because we totally have the resources to find enough magic leaves and roots for a few hundred million people. Does nobody know how expensive ginseng is?!
sorry for the rant, but I don't like it when a whole industry, probably one of the most benevolent and life saving industries in existence is pissed on by one woman who has some opinions on her own experiences which are obviously identical to every other situation ever.
I know its a bit hypocritical now I've posted all this, but I hate how sensationalism seems to dictate opinions. We all just need to calm our tits (especially me) and deal with things like this pragmatically and only then, can we deal with it at a personal level.