Alot has gone on since mid December, I told my parents one night that I was gay, because they wanted me to get a haircut. My dad said I was full of sh**, so I ended up going for one. I thought it would have been easier for me if I told them, but it hasn't. Just a little over a month and now they want me to get another haircut just after I get my hair as long as I like it. I asked my mom, "How come I need a haircut only after a month, if I never went this often when I was younger?" She told me it's so I don't do girl things with it.
So if I'm thinking correctly, before when I could wait 3-4 months without a haircut, it was fine for it to get long, But now since I told my parents how I feel, they want me to get one AS soon as it gets 'too long.' Now that they know, they want me to stop feeling like that, even though my personality hasn't changed. Since last Thursday my stomach is felt an emptyness, nothing like the emptyness when you're hungry, It feels lonely I guess, I don't know what to really do...
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Joined: Sep 2012
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Often when I get depressed it gets the better of me. When I was one year younger than you, I was so depressed it was below neurosis. The strange sensations in my head made me feel like I was in Dante's Infierno. It gives you a feeling of solipsism, as if you were put in a horror movie and everyone else is an animation. When I was your age I sometimes tried to somehow turn myself straight. It's weird, wanting to want something. When I started to think about how my life might be like when I was an adult with my own life and not my parents life, I started to come out of it.
You should be proud you told your dad, I never did. I told my mom, some time ago in the summer after my first year at a university, but I didn't tell my dad. She thought, and still sort of does, think its all confusion and experimentation. My dad's feelings, not so innocent. My dad died a few months ago, and I never told him.
Just 1 or 2 more years living with your parents, and then with the future of medicine you'll probably have a 101 or a 102 more years, to live whatever way you want. Just study hard, work hard, and before you know it you'll have your own secretary to make your hair appointments.
Parents are usually straight. That's why they had kids. It's really hard for them to understand homosexuality. It's like trying to tell a blind man what it's like to see. They will either have to accept who you are, or they will deny it. Either way you are who you are. Dressing and acting straight will not make it who you are.
Cheer up though man. You are a trooper and have done something this man is afraid of doing. Telling the parents is number one for hard things to do.
Perhaps you will go to college? Try to find one that lets you live on campus. There are usually some really good LGBT support groups. Sounds like you need some space while they work things out.
Sorry to hear about the problems ur getting over a haircut... If i was you id say to my parents since when did my hair tell me which side of the fence i will swing?? Dont let them dampen ya spirits because you done something you should be so proud of and if they are finding it hard to accept it tell them you are still you and in life what made your parents hetrosexual is the same thing thats made you homosexual. Being gay is not a crime but being a bad parent is...