I accept
To help you keep orcs and goblins away on your estate.
Thanks for not cutting off my head...
I gift an apology and a flute
The flute, the gayest instrument there ever is... Thanks.
I play the second gayesty instrument, the Violin - I will now pass that on to the next person since clearly I am now going to play the gayest instrument.
I'm not sure how one drinks a flute, actually. I suppose you could fill it with something and try to drink out of it...:p
But I accept your gayolin, we shall have many a gay duet I'm sure.
I gift a bag of dicks.
Thanks i gift murls bag of dicks, for i am evidently invisible.
Perchance you think to cook me in my own elder-berry juice?
Then have this you evil 'orrible man
quackquackquackquackquack :eek: :eek:
(Translated from gay-duck-speak) Shrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Well even a broken clock is right two times a day... besides I wake up at a regular enough time all on my own.
I leave behind a ministerial, who will follow you all the time and play theme music that matches your mood and actions, and will play canned laughter for everything funny you do.