Time for another one of my research questions!!! You lucky "so and so's"!!! LOL
Ok, this one's about romance - romance and dating, romance and getting to know someone, and romance with your better half.
1. When on a serious date, what do you do that you consider romatiic (flowers, card, holding hands, etc....)? Or do you just forfeit any romatic notions?
2. When steady dating someone, do you still put out romatic moves, or is that just your first couple of dates? If you still put out romantic moves, name a few. How do you switch up your romance to keep it fresh?
3. On steady dating, are you a flirt or do you just go after what you want?
4. Do you have sex on the first date, or is that something you leave until you get to know the person? Or after you have made a commitment to each other?
5. "Married" couples/partners - are you still romatic? Do you take time to go out on a "date" with each other? How do you keep the romance going?
WOW! Lots of questions!
1. When dating, I try to do one memorable romantic thing. It doesn't have to be huge. Sometimes just showing up with a single red rose is enough.
2. Romance never dies. You have to keep trying to surprise your date/partner. I have blindfolded a date and taken them to a lookout and pulled a blanket and chilled champagne out of the trunk to watch the sunset.
3. I am always flirting. Even when I know that nothing will come of it. I am just a shameless flirt.
4. If I have sex on the first date, then I probably won't see that person again. Guys that I am serious about, I like to take a little more time before jumping into bed.
5. My partner is horribly unromantic, so even the slightest attempt by him is a miracle and I am grateful for it. Myself, I am always surprising him with flowers, or a special dessert, or just jumping into bed to cuddle and snuggle playfully. So far... so good!
1. When I did date.....and I didn't date much....if I had been dating a while I'd buy him/her, Flowers i love holding hands. that sort of stuff.
2. When I was steady dating my now wife. I was always romantic. Always told her how much I loved her. Made her music mix cd's which she loved. when I proposed. I sang to her. Sang her Crystal by Fleetwood Mac. Lol
3. I'd have to ease her into things......she hated rushing. So i'd always just go for her sensitive spots. All i'm Sayin' lol.
4. I've had sex fairly quickly on a lot of occasions. With my wife it was easy Cause i'd known her since I was 3. So we knew each other well. Our relationship progressed quickly. quite fast. Other dates I've had I wasn't really looking for a comitment. So a lot of lust sex..
5. I'm still very romantic. I keep it going just by letting her know I would do anything for her and how much she enriches my life. We go to romantic dinners A lot. I give her backrubs. I listen to her. People don't realize....just listening to your other half will make for a solid relationship. ALWAYS be attentive. Pay attention cause they may not always tell you if something's wrong. You must be able to pick vibes up. And they will love you for it. I treat her like gold........because as hard as it is to hear......nothing is assured.
MisterTinkles Wrote:Woohoo!
Time for another one of my research questions!!! You lucky "so and so's"!!! LOL
Ok, this one's about romance - romance and dating, romance and getting to know someone, and romance with your better half.
1. When on a serious date, what do you do that you consider romatiic (flowers, card, holding hands, etc....)? Or do you just forfeit any romatic notions?
holding hands is what we did seems to be romantic enough were both not out so showy items would be abit to obvious
2. When steady dating someone, do you still put out romatic moves, or is that just your first couple of dates? If you still put out romantic moves, name a few. How do you switch up your romance to keep it fresh?
only been on one date atm xD but romantic moves are so much more cheesy and cute, even after a few years i'd probably still pull some moves Lol
3. On steady dating, are you a flirt or do you just go after what you want?
flirting is far more romantic then just dropping ur pant
4. Do you have sex on the first date, or is that something you leave until you get to know the person? Or after you have made a commitment to each other?
I would never have sex on the first date thats not really my thing did makeout though Lol more about getting to know each other
5. "Married" couples/partners - are you still romatic? Do you take time to go out on a "date" with each other? How do you keep the romance going?
Not married and hopefully not so for atleast another 10 years lol
exy-kisses-smiley- I really like these question topics fun to answer lol
I'm not romantic, so my answers will be terrible, but is it romantic to just sit together watching a movie and snacking on pistachios? Because that's what I like best, that s shit right there is primo romance in my book.
Okay haven't been on a date but I know what I would like to do so *ahem*
1. When on a serious date, what do you do that you consider romatiic (flowers, card, holding hands, etc....)? Or do you just forfeit any romatic notions?
I will only date if me and the other person are serious so I view things like holding hands, taking photos and doing cute things like that really romantic.
2. When steady dating someone, do you still put out romatic moves, or is that just your first couple of dates? If you still put out romantic moves, name a few. How do you switch up your romance to keep it fresh?
omg I would love to leave little notes and cards inside my partners pockets! Or under their pillow- anywhere they could find it. Leaving little reminders of how much I love them and how dear they are to me.
3. On steady dating, are you a flirt or do you just go after what you want?
omg hard question because I'm so shy, I certainly wouldn't just go for what I wanted lol
4. Do you have sex on the first date, or is that something you leave until you get to know the person? Or after you have made a commitment to each other?
Because I wouldn't date someone unless they were serious about me and ready for a commitment, I wouldn't get physically involved until we both on the same page, and we had been dating for a while.
5. "Married" couples/partners - are you still romatic? Do you take time to go out on a "date" with each other? How do you keep the romance going?
I'm no where near here, but I feel that romance comes naturally when you love someone so taking time out to spend time together will come naturally when the opportunity arises ^^ I would like to think that as your time together grows, so does the love you have for your partner.
 This was fun!!!
1. When on a serious date, what do you do that you consider romatiic (flowers, card, holding hands, etc....)? Or do you just forfeit any romatic notions?
Date? Hmmm. Actually 'dating' rarely takes place. Least ways 'traditional' movie and dinner stuff. Living most of my life in either a conservative nation or in a world where its bad to be gay, such notions as 'dating' for men was chucked out the window. Giving/receiving flowers, candies and crap like that on a date was strictly verboten.
2. When steady dating someone, do you still put out romatic moves, or is that just your first couple of dates? If you still put out romantic moves, name a few. How do you switch up your romance to keep it fresh?
I don't do 'romantic moves' - What you see is what you get. That last 14 year relationship the most romantic I got was gathering flowers from the garden and handing them over to my partner. And the last time i did that was like two months before I discovered his little indiscretions. Is that romantic? I don't know.
I'll pack your lunch and decorate a hard boiled egg(s) with sharpies, a puppy face, a cat face - something. I'll bring you coffee occasionally in bed - depending on how tired you were the night before. If we are having pancakes I will draw a heart with the syrup on your cakes...
I do that sort of thing all the way until the bitter end...
Is any of that considered romantic?
3. On steady dating, are you a flirt or do you just go after what you want?
I don't consider myself flirty. I'm kinda bashful/shy which is confused with 'flirty' by some.
4. Do you have sex on the first date, or is that something you leave until you get to know the person? Or after you have made a commitment to each other?
I have a 30 day no sex policy. I set that puppy in place after my 3rd and how horrible that 'relationship' turned out. It also saved me a lot of hassle trying to figure out if a person was just a slut looking for a one night stand or if they were sincere about the whole 'I'm looking for a partner' lie which one-night standers appear to throw out willy-nilly in order to 'score'.
5. "Married" couples/partners - are you still romatic? Do you take time to go out on a "date" with each other? How do you keep the romance going?
For the 14 year relationship I was still doing 'little stuff' which others may confuse as being romantic but is only me showing my love. Like the eggs, pancake syrup hearts and other stuff. All the way up to the end. His co-workers thought the decorated eggs were all cute and romantic... Me, I don't know I didn't see it as 'romantic', it wasn't nothing really.
Well I don't date as in movies, bars, dinner out and stuff it's more like meet while shopping, have coffee or just chat in the parking lot or help them find things they need, get told what I'm buying looks good, tell them how to cook it and they try to invite themselves over for dinner. I get mad and tell them to go to hell. If I want you in my house, I'll invite you and it won't be to have sex with you so, dates don't happen. Sure I'll go to the BYOB and sit and chat for a while if I'm bored and in a mood to talk to strangers but that's about it. Just chat then I can go home and they still don't know my name.