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Pretty much the best thing
darunzahn Wrote:Speaking of the social aspect of the war against marijuana, I'm fairly open about my smoking pass time and as such I have found a large amount of positive feedback. However there has also been some pretty strong claims against it and its "destructive" uses. Other than the psudo-science that some throw around, I'm more focused on the stories of "Pot ruined someone's life" stories. Have many of you found similar stories of these first hand accounts of how pot destroys.

My personal experience with these stories seem based off of the fact that the users were actually abusing the drug to handle other situations or avoid them altogether, which is rarely a healthy thing to do.

That's more or less my observation. Generally speaking those who use a lot are noticeable while those who use it moderately are not, and that's just as true of beer.

As for "gateway drug" I'd think that would be alcohol, not pot. It's true that many who use hard drugs did start with pot, but I think even more started with alcohol (and beer before hard liquor before harder drugs). Of course a great many people stick to beer (or even harder liquor) and/or pot without doing anything harder.

Kiid Wrote:Hemp.
Don't buy cotton. Buy hemp
Don't buy petrol. Hemp can provide a cleaner alternative
Don't buy paper unless it is made from hemp. It's way stronger than paper made from trees.
Plant hemp cos in your garden it revitalizes the soil.

I don'y see why this renewable resource is not being utilized.

Sad face at society :frown:

Because it makes ecological sense, and those in power NEVER do ANYTHING that makes sense, they do what makes them the most money and keeps them in power.

I used to watch science shows WAY before they were "cool" to watch, and before the adaptation of The Discovery Channel......

I remember watching this program on "failed miracle inventions".
This one man invented a washing machine that used only two gallons of water, and NO detergent. It cleaned clothes by vibrations, and got clothes MORE clean than using detergents. When he tried to get a patent for it, he was "visited" by a couple of the detergent corporations who tried to buy his invetnion. When he declined, they paid off some lawyers and judges to create an injunction against him, stating that his invention would be detramental to thier companies, and he was never allowed to publish his findings or make money off of them.

Another man created an engine that ran on tap water....believe it or not. The engine used the water to create hydrogen inside the machine, which it used as fuel. The only emission it had was steam coming out of the tailpipe. The "Big 3" automakers sent thier goons out and destroyed his house and his machine....and Im sure threatened him and his families llives if he ever tried to publish this machine again.

Same thing happened to a man who invented the solar powered car. The roof of the car was all solar panels, even ran in cloudy weather. And ran off a battery in the dark. And the battery recharged itself. NO chemical usage at all. I think the oil corporations shut this guy down.

If you want to blame anyone for the destruction of the ecology of this planet, blame the corporations YOU buy gas, oil, detergents, and vehicles from. THEY are the ones who keep logical, safe, clean, and ecological friendly devices OFF the market!!! Unless it makes THEM even richer, then they might have a hand in it.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Oh look, the potheads found a new way to justify their addiction to the Devil Weed. We all know what weed does, who of my generation didn't see the stern warnings and horrors in the documentary "reefer madness".

Actually all that I said above is pretty much the sentiment that drove pot and hemp into the under ground and denied at least two generations of all the stuff hemp could provide.

Fear and propaganda pretty much keeps all the drugs illegal, when in many cases only the worst case scenarios are flaunted and no one talks about the hard working regular users of 'illegal' recreational drugs.

Its like talking only about the gutter sleeping winos and ignoring the millions of others who drink sociably and responsibly. that was done before and during the American Alcohol Prohibition and history shows how well that went and ended.

Hemp was pretty much made illegal out of fear, fear based on myth, fear propagated and expounded on purpose to make a prohibition against pot and all sorts of other drugs.

This can be said about anything and everything that has had fear/propaganda preached about it.

But...most fears are grounded by some truth. In this case, the truth being that there are more negative effects of this drug than there are helpful effects.
Have you ever seen one of these new drug commercials, where they stipulate ONE good effect of this drug, and then the next minute of the commercial is dedicated to nothing but side effects???

Its not the drug itself, its the benefits vs side effects. And for drugs, in any time period, there are usually always more detrimental side effects than there are benefits.

You also have to remember, back then when this type of film was made, it was ONLY known as a drug, not hemp. Only "hicks" would have known about use of hemp back then, and of course who would listen to a hick?

Drugs, what are they....really?

Drugs have been found, grown, and created for only two reasons.
1. Medical purposes
2. For escape

I hate taking drugs of any kind. Since being diagnosed diabetic, I have little choice in the matter, since I cant afford a kidney transplant. I have to take more pills everyday than food.
This is not for recreation, its for medical purposes...for living and not dieing.

Others take them for escaping thier existence on this planet. Instead of working to change thier lives, they cower down and become "addicts". Regardless of whether its alcohol, tobacco, or drugs themselves. These people cant take the life they were given and make good use of it. Instead they use drugs to "get away from it all".

And I do know from first hand experience. My sister was a druggie. She did everything from pot to cocaine back in the early 90's. She functions alright today, but it really fucked her brain up. She's not the same person she was when we were growing up together. She's been "dumbed down" because of her drug use over the years. Which is extremely sad, because she used to be one kickass business woman. And its aged her physically. Im almost 50, and people still think I look late 30's....my sister is 5 years younger than me, and she looks like shes 60.

But then again, druggies dont care about physcial appearances, do they?

[Image: tumblr_miewuimbu01s67l4mo1_500.jpg]

Tumblr can be informative n.n

its recently legal in Colorado.
I dont plan to start smoking but have not seen reefer madness take hold here in the general population

I prefer the feel of cotton. I heard people who smoke that stuff get a very painful diarrhea from it, I don't know if that's true but I guess, stoners (stoner isn't offensive, right? Like, unlike pothead, um, whatever) would still use weed over hemp. People can get high and lose brain cells over white-out and glue I guess, so, I don't see any problems with hemp. It's kinda strange that it's outlawed to begin with.

Chase Wrote:I prefer the feel of cotton. I heard people who smoke that stuff get a very painful diarrhea from it, I don't know if that's true but I guess, stoners (stoner isn't offensive, right? Like, unlike pothead, um, whatever) would still use weed over hemp. People can get high and lose brain cells over white-out and glue I guess, so, I don't see any problems with hemp. It's kinda strange that it's outlawed to begin with.

Hemp is the same as weed just different gender of plant

Trying to use hemp, corn, or any other plant, to replace oil as a fuel source would be an ecological disaster at current levels of energy use. The amount of forest and cropland that would need to be converted to fuel hemp production would drive up the cost of food and lay waste to vast areas of forest. Unless we are able to greatly reduce our greed for energy, we are stuck with fossil fuels as the most efficient source. Remember that every time you charge your laptop, tablet, or mp3 player. Single-passenger cars remain, of course, the most offensive use of fuel. (If only this was a simpler issue.)

Medical marijuana use is not any more simple. Right now the evidence is very conflicting regarding benefits and risks. This is largely due to the lack of good research because of widespread legislation against it. Thankfully this is changing, but it will take years for the results of good research to clarify the question of specific medical benefits of marijuana use. There are maverick doctors and users claiming all sorts of benefits, but it doesn't mean much without a solid body of evidence.

There is good evidence, however, that the "gateway effect" of marijuana use leading to harder drug use is a myth. (Had to end on a positive note.) Hemp is an amazing plant, but it won't save the world. Anim-jjd

there's enough land to do it. Grow it in your bark yard there's space!

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