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Worst and Best Celebrities
Who in your opinion is the:

Worse celebrity
Most worthy in achievement in their feild
Most useless
Most sluty
Most adorable
Most funny

Okay,I will make a post on the other categories later because right now,only one comes to mind.Sexiest : hands down Charlize Theron!I remember the time she came to flaunt her Oscar here,the moment I saw her,I just wanted to jump her bones!She's very beautiful and smells like fresh oranges too! Smile

Most useless,most slutty and worst celebrity : a tie between Parasite Hilton and Lindsay Blohan.Hey spotysocks are you into celeb culture as much as I am?I always secretly buy Heat & OK! and make damn sure that no one sees me!

mmmmm Charlise... and she can act too! She is damn sexy, i ll do her lol ... BUT now i d prefer that boyfriend she brought at the Oscars when she won it, for the movie Monster if i am correct.

Most adorable for me is Jennifer Aniston.
Most worthy on achievement in her field is Madonna.
Most pointless . Posh spice- she gets in my nerves eaaasy! Along with Kerry Crapona (ok... Catona something) , you guys might not know her but she was in a band i dont remember now but currently in the UK she is always in the mags about something stupid she done or said.

Weirdest- Tom Cruise , he seems to have a nervous break down and talks too much and stupidly about Scientology mostly without making any sense at all.
Also Russel Brand , who a presenter in the UK. I want to grab a brush and do his hair to look less electrocuted and donate to him some sense of humour, anything would be an improvement. So not funny, i wish someone stop him talking.

Yeah Dan... although celebrities can often piss me off because i think most of them are stupid, the masochism in me will make me go through the gossip pages when they are around. I prefer to watch the gossipy programs in mtv :biggrin:

Worst celebrity - Paris Hilton
Most worthy in achievement in their feild - Anthony Hopkins
Most useless - Paris Hilton
Sexiest - :confused: um.... Ryan Reynolds (I guess he's pretty sexy)
Most sluty - Paris Hilton
Weirdest - Tom Cruise
Most adorable - Justin Berfield (I think he is so cute)
Most funny - Bruce Campbell/Jack Nicholson

spoty,don't you have E! at your house?Of course I know Kerry Katona!She was married to that Irish guy from Westlife,last I saw her was when she was caught smoking whilst preggers!Most people want to lynch me when I say this but I think Tom Cruise is just so hot and I'd do him given half the chance.Sure he says weird stuff but he's also "friends" with both Will Smith and David Beckham.Hottest threesome,ever!

He is hot but weird but i wouldnt marry him so i am not bothered.

Quote:Sure he says weird stuff but he's also "friends" with both Will Smith and David Beckham.Hottest threesome,ever!

Absolutely! Add Matt Damon for me and i am in Rolleyes

Worst celebrity: Bloody Christopher Biggins. ¬_¬
Most worthy in achievement in their field: An Attenbrough. DickyDavid.
Most useless: PATRICK KIELTY. Not even bloody funny.
Sexiest: Simon Amstell! Hoorah. Pretty funny, pretty and funny.
Most slutty: Paris Skank Hilton.
Weirdest: Bill Bailey! He's Great.
Most adorable: Dylan Moran!
Most funny: Johnny Vegas. I can break bones laughing at that man.

Hey why are mine nearly all comedians? :confused:

spotysocks Wrote:Worse celebrity
Most worthy in achievement in their feild
Most useless
Most sluty
Most adorable
Most funny

Vanessa Anne Hudgens (8th grade style revenge, yes, jealousy)
David Beckham
Victoria Beckham
Mitch Hewwer
Paris Hilton
Gnarles Barkley
Mitch Hewwer
David Tennant

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