Hi everyone
I need some advice... my partner and fiancee of three years has made the comment that he wants me to try and be more moncho... he means neither my comments towards him can anyone give me some suggestions?
In what sense does he want you to be more masculine?!
Straighten up and fly straight?
I have problems with partners who want to change their partners. Unless you have really nellied up since you became a couple, then it sounds like he accepted you with the intent to straighten you out.
He's thinking when talking verbally rather then saying cute use words like hot
Why's he suddenly bringing this up 3 years into the relationship, or has it been an ongoing issue?
buy a used sportbike and make him ride pillion
It's been on going. I'm just not sure what comments to make etc
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Your situation is simiiliar to one I had with my partner 30 years ago.
One night we were eating at a resturant and he told me that he didn't like the way I did my hair because it made me look gayish (my hair was naturally wavy and I preferred it straight). The next day I put on a wrinkled plaid shirt and a pair of worn out jeans,,,, and every couple minutes I'd spit on the ground for added affect!!!. He asked me what the hell I was doing and I replied that I was simply doing as he asked and Butching-It-Up in order to please him. He never again commented on how I wear my hair or dress in public.
Sometimes we want to change the way our husbands are. In my case - he wanted to change how I look, and I politely showed him the error of his ways (smile).
Your Hubby wants you to stop using certain words that he doesn't like,,,,, well!!!!,,,,, I'd start using curse words in every sentence that comes out of my mouth and see if that suits him better.
Example: "You look F'en cute today honey" then give him a big smile & a hug.
Disclaimer: This example would work in my situation, but may not work in yours. Each relationship has differences based on the individuals involved.
Best Wishes