03-03-2013, 05:18 AM
I met some guys a while ago. They seemed really nice and one of them works at a retail store in my neighborhood. I recently had a friend and his partner moved away so it was nice t meet some new friends. Since they've gone, I've had a hard time finding people to go out with. I thought these guys (That say "We should hang out") would want to but it seems that they don't. I have to admit I've struggled with lonliness most of my life and I just jump at the chance to go out. Every time we make plans or I text inviting them, they can never do it. I had run into one of them yesterday and he said he wanted to hang out tonight. I sent a text this evening and he told me that they were already out and were on their way back home. I can't tell you had terrible I feel. It makes me think there is something wrong with me and I just haven't figured it out.
After all these attempts, I kind of feel I should just take the hint and find some new people to hang out with, which is really hard. I could be just too needy (I will admit this) but I also think if people want to hang out with you they'll be more inclusive. Just had to vent.