Love the "straight to the point" attitude!

Playing the coy social games can be fun and interesting, but just as fun to keep things simpler.
I play quite a lot of video games (mainly on my PS3) and I have a huge soft spot for RPGs. I don't watch as much tv because of games. When I do watch I find I like The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, anime, stand up comedy, and Supernatural to name a few. Firefly should have never ended, Reaper needed more seasons, and Charmed was very fun but aged poorly.
Movies ftw! I've got a weakness for superhero movies lately (and always). Other than that though there's a time and place for all genres

I'm a little picky about fighting choreography though.
As for music I'm pretty open to try most things. Linkin Park keeps fascinating me, but I don't have a particular genre fave. Modern country, hip hop, and rap don't do much for me, but there are always exceptions to that.
I get trapped in stores usually browsing for things. Not really buying, but always imagining uses and weighing prices

I think it's fun until I walk outside with less money and realize the sun has gone down

It's wonderful getting lost in time on the beach. I don't go nearly as much as I should considering how much I adore it. As for the rest of the outdoors it is peaceful and rejuvenating to go for a walk through the woods and "reconnect" with nature. It's a good time to center yourself and work through the stress of the day. Like you though, I don't go outdoors very much. I know how to hunt, but I didn't enjoy it so I stopped until a need should arise. Fishing can be painfully dull though. In general I much prefer a climate controlled, pesonalized, pest free, technologically advanced, and secure shelter against the elements and things that think I might be food. Nature's long as you have a place to take a vacation from it for a while

I like to learn about martial arts as well. It works great as a way to get out frustration, tone your body, while learning the current limits and control of your body and world around you.
As you can see I enjoy chatting and I'm not picky about the topic.

I agree, let's all be friends!