if it's consensual and loving then who cares
what other people do to each other sexually is none of my , or anyone else's , business .
if a relationship is between two consenting adults who love and care about each other , and neither is abusive at all , then what does it matter ? it's no one else's business .
there have been many stories of siblings separated for years who meet and fall in love without realizing that they're siblings . suddenly they're criminals and evil because of something they really can't help.
because you can't help who you fall in love with .
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
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The natural reason to not doing that is the genes problem as mentioned above.
Though personally i don't feel comfortable about it (by imagining sth within my family), I think it's the same feeling as some people see gay and lesbian community.
So as gay couples don't get mix genes for their offspring i'd say there should be no problem about it, plus that it's actually quite common in the very old past in western (as i know) especially in royal family
a lot of what is being said in this thread is this:
With that being said, I'm indifferent towards the matter. The idea of experimenting with a male cousin has crossed my mind, but I have never acted on it. If it happened, it happened. People experiment, give into temptation. Everyone has different values and morals, so not everyone is going to agree on the matter.
The issue of conception is no longer relevant with all the contraceptives we have today.
I do believe that adults of legal age should be able to do as they please sexually as long as it's consensual and doesn't harm anyone. Why would you be bothered by the idea of legalalizing incest when it won't affect you in the slightest? Think about it, and I'm sure you'll find that all your arguments against it are either based on genetics (which is now more or less irrelevant) and your personal sense of morality. Sure, I think incest is disgusting as well. I grew up in a society that firmly established that as a fact and truth be told I doubt I'll ever get away from those thoughts. However, just because I have no interest in it doesn't mean I should forbid others from doing it.
Stop feeling so threatened by the topic and resorting to sentences like "It's obviously gross because it's wroooong!". Loads of people say the same thing about us and "it's gross" was never an argument to begin with. Nobody's going to force you to sleep with your dad, I promise.
as i stated above as a same sex gay couple = no exchange of genetics. you can date anyone you choose if your gay.
there is a genetic clotting disorder "Factor 5", causes you to form blood clots faster than expected. If only one of your parents is pre disposed genetically to carry it you as a child have a 10-20% increase in clotting times. If both of your parents are pre disposed genetically to carry the illness you have a big porblem. The effects are worse.
be the responsible adult here and dont impregnate your family members. I would like to think with 99 billions of people on the earth we could make it a just slightly exclusive club. Give your child a better chance and dont loose track of the real moral issue: dont doom your children to a desperate life, they will hate you.