language changes and is adapted all the time. even in UK english , there are many variations of dialects and accents . 20 years ago , english was completely different .
whether or not american english is "dumb" compared to UK english is completely subjective . personally , i don't think i sound stupid because i speak american english .
back on topic , justin bieber looks ridiculous .
The current craze for sagging is a huge turn off for me, regardless of what the actual sagger looks like.
The fact that some do it, and think its ok to display rubbish, no name brand K-Mart 99¢ specials is beyond me.
The craze has clearly passed me by. Probably my age ***sigh***
I'm indifferent. Don't really care either way.
Cuddles Wrote:An issue? Because I get a little annoyed when people dumb down their vocabulary to suit the USA?
If you say so.
You're kind of a cunt.
And I don't mean it in that cute, quaint, semi-affecitionate but not really, British way. I mean you're a cunt in that horribly offensive, vulgar American way.
Hayden Wrote:You're kind of a cunt.
And I don't mean it in that cute, quaint, semi-affecitionate but not really, British way. I mean you're a cunt in that horribly offensive, vulgar American way.
you should come here on a friday night, you’ll here cunt in, an entirely new british way, the kind of way where you get punched after hearing it  though now what u mean, i tend to agree ",
Beiber now that he is starting to resemble a man is not bad looking, so I wouldn't complain if he forgot his undies when he sagged
Who the fuck cares how we TALK.....The bottom line is we're a terrible species.....cunts all around....since we're using that word..
bluefox4000 Wrote:Who the fuck cares how we TALK.....The bottom line is we're a terrible species.....cunts all around....since we're using that word..
I care and, more, and, more, glad, I, talk, English, English, no, offence, but, watch, some, American, shows, and, I'm, more, than, happy, how, I, talk,
For God's sake, stop argumenting so violently over things that ultimately don't matter and stop responding to arrogance with increased arrogance. This behaviour is making me seem way more aggressive and annoyed than I actually am o.O