04-05-2013, 07:15 AM
Rainbowmum Wrote:Do you know if this guy is gay or not?
Either way I would stay away from telling him on facebook.
Time to get your friends to check things out first.
I agree with Mumzy on this one!
You gotta inspector-gadget that guy all the way out.
Personally, I just can't hide it, I had and still kinda have this crush on this tall glass of chocolate milk, but he's straight (or so he tells me >

But you see, some guys are okay with being approached by another guy, because, guys no matter the way their sexual compass is pointing, like to go out. As do a lot of people, so you asking, "Hey, did you wanna go out to the sports bar/pub and get a beer or something?" is not really like a sign of the gaypocalypse. Straight guys go out together all the time, sometimes just two at a time, so why would it be so odd for him to go out with another guy and have a sip of beer or something?
It's only if you're like making googly eyes at him and using your feminine wiles to try and woo the man over, is when you may incite a response, that may not be very friendly/polite.
Just like how straight guys need to realize gay guys are still guys, so do gay guys. Just because you know you're gay and like the guy, doesn't mean you're not still a guy. You don't have to automatically assume he will think you're head over heels for him, because especially if he's not gay, he won't be thinking like that unless he's hyper insecure, unlike with girls, because guys always think girls have an agenda when asking them out (i.e-getting laid,pulling a prank,etc), even when the girls themselves are just trying to be friends with the guy (although quite a few think what the guy's thinking as well ironically).
You can always start off by being friends.
The guy I like, I never even so much as skipped around him in the beginning, and not because I was pretending to be someone I'm not, but because I didn't want him to not even give being friends a chance and now I pretty much openly flirt with him